时尚英语主题阅读 自然科学篇【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 翁云凯主编 著
- 出版社: 北京:中国石化出版社
- ISBN:7802290945
- 出版时间:2007
- 标注页数:345页
- 文件大小:34MB
- 文件页数:358页
- 主题词:英语-语言读物
时尚英语主题阅读 自然科学篇PDF格式电子书版下载
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1.The Seismic-reflection 地震反射法1
2.Pollination 风媒3
3.Warm-blooded Animals 温血动物7
4.The Chemical of Constituents of Life 生命的化学成分9
5.EI Nino 厄尔尼诺现象11
6.Individual Bacterium 个体细菌15
7.Glaciers 冰川17
8.Flippers 鳍足20
9.The Nervous System and Genes 神经系统和基因23
10.Quantum Mechanics 量子力学27
11.Helix 螺旋体29
12.Meteorites 陨石33
13.Glassy Metals 玻璃金属35
14.The Milky Way 银河系39
15.The Visual System 视觉系统41
16.Carbon-based Alternative 碳基替代燃料44
17.Parasitic Mite 寄生螨虫48
18.The Ionic Salt 离子盐49
19.Bees in a Hive 蜂群中的蜜蜂52
20.The Physics of Dance 舞蹈的物理原理54
21.Bilateral Asymmetry of the claws 螯的互不对称性55
22.Living Organism and Environment 生物和环境58
23.True Circulation 真正的环流59
24.Earth's Magnetic Field 地球磁场63
25.Trees' Defensive Tactic 树木的防御机能64
26.The Tendency of Animals 动物的警觉性68
27.Remote Sensing 遥感技术69
28.The Effect of Intersexual Selection on the Evolution of Birdsong 异性间选择对鸟类歌曲的演变所产生的影响73
29.The Space Lab Experiment 太空实验室77
30.A Law of Classical Chemistry 一条经典的化学定理78
31.The Hormone Adrenaline and Brain Function 肾上腺激素和大脑功能82
32.The Red Sea Rift 红海峡谷84
33.Clown-fish Behavior 小丑鱼的行为85
34.The Carbon Dioxide Content and Global Temperature 二氧化碳含量和全球气温89
35.Bracken Fern 欧洲蕨91
36.Serotonin and Hallucinogens 复合胺和致幻剂95
37.The Tidal Action 潮汛98
38.Snake 蛇100
39.Ultralight Airplanes 超轻型飞机102
40.Sea-coaling Expeditions 开采海洋煤105
41.Insects' Reacting 昆虫的应急反应107
42.Earthquake 地震110
43.Tools of Human Being 人类使用的工具113
44.Sleep 睡眠116
45.Differences of Brains Between Men and Women 男女大脑的差别119
46.Forecast Weather 预测天气121
47.Liquid and Gas 液体和气体123
48.Electricity:The Force that Transformed the World 电:改造世界之功力125
49.A Rare Fossil Record 罕见的化石记录128
50.Evolution of Sleep 睡眠的进化130
51.Scientific Theories 科学理论133
52.Plankton 浮游生物135
53.Raising Oysters 饲养牡蛎137
54.Oil Refining 炼油140
55.Plate Tectonics and Sea-floor Spreading 板块结构与海床扩展143
56.Lcebergs 冰山145
57.Topaz 黄水晶148
58.The Salinity of Ocean Waters 海水盐度150
59.Cohesion-tension Theory 内聚压力理论152
60.Obtaining Fresh Water from Icebergs 从冰山中获取淡水155
61.The Source of Energy 能量的来源157
62.Vision 视觉159
63.Bacteria 细菌161
64.Stages of Sleep 睡眠的阶段163
65.Cells and Temperature 细胞与温度165
66.Marine Mammals 海洋哺乳动物167
67.Chimpanzees 黑猩猩169
68.Nitinol 镍钛合金171
69.Creating Colors 创造颜色174
70.The Organic Foods 绿色食品176
71.Animals's Compasses 动物的罗盘179
72.Pottery 陶器181
73.Mimicry in Plants 植物拟态183
74.Oil and Water 油和水185
75.Salt and Metabolism 盐与新陈代谢188
76.Plants in the Deserts 沙漠中的植物190
77.The Microscopic Technique 显微技术193
78.The History of Chemistry 化学的历史195
79.Hydrogen and Industries 氢与工业198
80.Mars 火星200
81.Vibration Technique Produces Stronger,Environmentally Friendly Plastics 通过振动技术制造环保塑料202
82.In the Shadow of Chemical and Biological Evil 在生化恶魔的阴影中206
83.A Glimpse of the Secrets of Life 生命秘密一瞥208
84.Cloning Breakthrough—Dolly the sheep dies 克隆突破——绵羊多莉之死213
85.Theory of General Relativity Passes Quasar Test 广义相对论通过类星体观测的检验216
86.Wi-Fi wireless technology goes mainstream 无线保真上网技术必将成为主流219
87.Running on Air 空气汽车222
88.Talking Lasers 会说话的激光226
89.Supercritical CO2 Saves Sunken Treasure 超临界二氧化碳拯救沉没的文物228
90.X-rays Wrap up Insulation X-射线能化绝缘材料232
91.Really Tough Material:Paper 新型建材:纸233
92.Something about Radar 关于雷达236
93.The Mirror Has Two Faces 两用镜子239
94.Is Gm food Safe to Eat? 食用转基因食品安全吗?240
95.The Time of Smart Homes Is Coming 智能家居的时代正在到来243
96.On Mobile Office 移动的办公室245
97.New guard for Health 健康新护卫248
98.Owning the Night—Night Vision Could Be Essential Edge 黑夜的主宰——夜视技术250
99.Scientists Seek Mars Clues in Chilean Volcano 科学家研究有新招 从火山样本推测火星文明254
100.Earthquake control 控制地震256
101.Solar system similar to ours found 宇宙中发现与太阳系相像的星系258
102.Nanotechnology 纳米技术259
103.Underwater Windmill Makes Power 水下“风车”发电261
104.Universe is Finite,"Soccer Ball"—Shaped,Study Hints 研究暗示:宇宙有限,形同足球263
105.Gene may set timing of brain diseases 基因可以决定脑部疾病的发作时间264
106.Dog DNA reveals man's link with best friend DNA显示狗与人类的渊源267
107.The First Clone of a Human Embryo 首例人类胚胎克隆269
108.Mobile Phone in Finland 移动电话在芬兰276
109.Heartbeat That Is Virtually Human 虚拟心跳279
110.Voice Mail 语音邮件282
111.Genetically-modified Monkey 转基因猴284
112.Solids,Liquids and Gases 固体、液体和气体287
113.Atoms,Plants and the Sea 原子、植物和海洋289
114.Light 光291
115.Gravitation 引力293
116.The Soil 土壤295
117.Photosynthesis 光合作用297
118.Heat conduction 热传导300
119.Old Salt Mines:Safe Repositories 旧盐矿:安全的储藏室301
120.Moon Mysteries,Earth's History 月球的奥秘和地球的历史306
121.Robots—A Rival to Human 机器人——人类的对手311
122.Los Angeles Earthquake 洛杉矶地震313
123.The Infrared Scanning Technology 红外线扫描技术316
124.Mystery of Sleep 睡眠的秘密318
125.Safety Threat Facing Airlines 航空安全的威胁320
126.Maybe Asteroids Destroy Earth 小行星可能会毁灭地球323
127.Cut Highway Crashes By Optical Illusion 利用光学错觉减少公路交通事故325
128.Difference Between Cream and Butter in Structure 奶油和黄油在食物结构上的区别327
129.The Formaldehyde Pollution 甲醛污染330
130.Recycling 再回收利用332
131.The Blue Whale And Tracking 蓝鲸与追踪335
132.New-Tech 新科技337
133.Argument on Hydrogen Bomb 氢弹引起的争论340
134.Lead Accumulation 铅沉积342
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