欧洲批评和理论导读 英文【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- Julian Wolfreys编 著
- 出版社: 北京:中国海洋大学出版社
- ISBN:9787811252118
- 出版时间:2009
- 标注页数:436页
- 文件大小:28MB
- 文件页数:450页
- 主题词:老年人-心理卫生
欧洲批评和理论导读 英文PDF格式电子书版下载
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.René Descartes and Baruch Spinoza:Beginnings Warren Montag 11
.Immanuel Kant and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Jacques Lezra 72
.Johann Christian Friedrich H?lderlin Véronique M.Fóti 273
.Karl Marx Robert C.Holub 344
.Charles Baudelaire and Stéphane Mallarmé Elizabeth Constable 415
.Friedrich Nietzsche Robert C.Holub 506
.Sigmund Freud Juliet Flower MacCannell 577
.Ferdinand de Saussure and Structural Linguistics Kenneth Womack 688
.Edmund Husserl Claire Colebrook 719
.Phenomenology Ullrich Michael Haase 8010
.Gaston Bachelard and Georges Canguilhem:Epistemology in France Alison Ross and Amir Ahmadi 9011
.Jean Paulhan and/versus Francis Ponge Jan Baetens 9812
.Gy?rgy Lukács Mitchell R. Lewis 10413
.Russian Formalism,the Moscow Linguistics Circle,and Prague Structuralism:Boris Eichenbaum,Jan Mukarovsky,Victor Shklovsky,Yuri Tynyanov,Roman Jakobson Kenneth Womack 11214
.Ludwig Wittgenstein William Flesch 11815
.Martin Heidegger Claire Colebrook 12516
.Antonio Gramsci Stephen Shapiro 13517
.Walter Benjamin Jeremy Tambling 14118
.Reception Theory:Roman Ingarden,Hans-Georg Gadamer and the Geneva School Luke Ferretter 14919
.The Frankfurt School,the Marxist Tradition,Culture and Critical Thinking:Max Horkheimer,Herbert Marcuse,Theodor Adorno,Jürgen Habermas Kenneth Surin 15620
.Mikhail Bakhtin R.Brandon Kershner 16621
.Georges Bataille and Maurice Blanchot Arkady Plotnitsky 17222
.Bertolt Brecht Loren Kruger 18623
.Jacques Lacan Juliet Flower MacCannell 19424
.The Reception of Hegel and Heidegger in France:Alexandre Kojève,Jean Hyppolite,Maurice Merleau-Ponty Jean-Michel Rabaté 20425
.Jean-Paul Sartre,Albert Camus and Existentialism Mark Currie 21126
.Emmanuel Levinas Kevin Hart 21627
.Simone de Beauvoir and French Feminism Karen Green 22428
.Claude Lévi-Strauss Boris Wiseman 23329
.Jean Genet Alain-Michel Rocheleau 23930
.Paul Ricoeur Martin McQuillan 24631
.Roland Barthes Nick Mansfield 25532
.French Structuralism:A.J.Greimas,Tzvetan Todorov and Gérard Genette Dirk de Geest 26333
.Louis Althusser and his Circle Warren Montag 27134
.Reception Theory and Reader-Response:Hans-Robert Jauss,Wolfgang Iser,and the School of Konstanz Jeremy Lane 27835
.Jean-Fran?ois Lyotard and Jean Baudrillard:The Suspicion of Metanarratives Garry Leonard 28536
.The Social and the Cultural:Michel de Certeau,Pierre Bourdieu and Louis Marin Brian Niro 29237
.Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari Claire Colebrook 30138
.Michel Foucault John Brannigan 31039
.Jacques Derrida Kevin Hart 31540
.Luce Irigaray Ewa Ziarek 32441
.Christian Metz Marcia Butzel 33342
.Guy Debord and the Situationist International Lynn A.Higgins 33943
.Umberto Eco SunHee Kim Gertz 34744
.Modernities:Paul Virilio,Gianni Vattimo,Giorgio Agamben David Punter 35445
.Hélène Cixous Juliet Flower MacCannell 36346
.Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe and Jean-Luc Nancy Heesok Chang 36947
.Julia Kristeva Joan Brandt 38048
.Slavoj ?i?ek Michael Walsh 38849
.Cahiers du Cinéma Maureen Turim 39650
.Critical Fictions:Experiments in Writing from Le Nouveau Roman to the Oulipo Jean Baetens 40251
.Tel Quel Jean-Michel Rabaté 40952
.Other French Feminisms:Sarah Kofman,Monique Wittig,Michèle Le Doeuff Nicole Fluhr 41753
.Psychoanalytic Literary Criticism in France Nicholas T.Rand 42454
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