
- 纪秋郎主编;林连祥编译 著
- 出版社: 北京市:外文出版社;远东图书公司
- ISBN:7119020269
- 出版时间:1997
- 标注页数:1402页
- 文件大小:88MB
- 文件页数:1410页
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quarter day 943/Sabbath 1018/Saint George 1021/shamrock 1063/Sunday 1165/Thanks-1
Day 637/Lady Day 639/legal holiday 656/Lent 658/May Day 721/Maypole 721/Memo-1
.家庭生活 afternoon tea 22/apartmenthouse 46/aunt 67/baby-sitter 72/baby talk 73/1
rial Day 728/Michaelmas 733/Mother s Day 760/New Year s Eve 786/Palm Sunday 844/1
meal1 722/mother 759/open house 822/semidetached 1051/shower 1074/sister 1084/sup-2
per 1169/toilet 1231/upstairs 12872
.食物 beer 94/bread 129/caviar 171/champagne 176/cheese 182/coffee 203/com1 242/2
.礼节 appointment 49/boo 121/business card 145/compliment 218/escort 373/etiquette3
tion 605/Ladies first 639/Mr.764/present2 911/promise 923/punctual 934/queue 944/4
smoking 1096/table manners 1183/table talk 1184/taboo 1184/visit 13074
.金融·服务业 barber s pole 81/beb and breakfast 92/change 176/check 180/coin 204/co-4
.婚丧 after-dinner speech 22/bride 132/burial 143/epitaph 370/funeral 461/gravestone5
.休闲·嗜好 bird watching 107/blue Monday 116/Boy Scouts 127/club 199/drive-in thea-6
.交通·运输 airline 25/airplane 26/Amtrak 38/bus stop 145/car 160/compartment 216/7
.通信 collect call 205/house number 558/letter 661/mailman 699/operator 823/pay tele-8
vestibule train 1301/waterway 1323/zebra crossing 13748
phone 860/person-to-person 870/R.S.V.P 1011/space shuttle 1112/station-to-station 1134/9
telephone 1197/telephone number 11989
.运动·游戏 athletic meet 64/Aunt Sally 67/backgammon 74/baseball 83/blindman s buff9
.教育 A 1/busing 145/college 206/commencement 212/community college 215/dormitory10
tossup 1236/tug of war 125710
.宗教·圣经 Adam 13/Anglican Church 40/ark 54/Ave Maria 69/baptism 80/Bible11
teacher 1195/textbook 1205/university 128011
stray sheep 1149/superstition 1168/Ten Commandments 1201/threescore 1219/Westmin-12
ster Abbey 1334/witch hunt 135112
.政治·经济·法律·宪法 American 36/American Revolution 36/black 110/Black Power12
tion 1048/senate 1052/Stars and Stripes 1132/Union Jack 1277/WASP 132013
.风俗习惯 baronet 82/beefeater 93/blackbird 110/Black English 110/black humor 111/13
.节庆 April Fools Day 51/bank holiday 80/Boxing Day 127/Christmas 187/Chistmas Eve14
crier 1239/washday 1319/yes 137014
giving Day 1206/Whitsunday 134115
.大众传播 commercial 212/newspaper 786/PulitzerPrize 932/radio 949/soap opera 1102/15
Sunday paper 1166/teievision 119816
.动植物 apple 48/bird 107/carp1 163/cat 167/crow1 261/daisy 273/dog 322/dove116
matopoeia 821/owl 839/pansy 846/rat 955/raven1 957/reed 969/thistle 1216/whale 133417
.气象·地理 daylight-saving time 278/downtown 330/fog 437/Harlem 521/Hollywood17
.传说·故事 Aesop s Fables 19/auld lang syne 67/Big Ben 105/Billy the Kid 106/Blue-18
.数字 binary 106/nine 790/number 802/seven 1059/thirteen 1215/twelve 1261/two19
.颜色 black 110/blue 116/pink1 881/purple 936/rainbow 951/red 967/spectrum 1116/20
white 1340/yellow 136921
.综合插图·表等 airplane 26/alphabet 32/animal 41/bathroom 85/be1 87/bedroom 92/21
manners 1183/unit 1277/victory 1303/wedding 132822
.鹅妈妈童谣集 alphabet 32/baby 72/boy 127/clock 197/cock-a-doodle-doo 201/crooked23
/bishop 108/Catholic 169/Christ 187/Christian Science 187/Church of England 188/104
/C.I.A. 189/civil war 192/Constitution of the United States 231/cotton 246/county111
/charades 178/cricket2 257/croquet 259/domino 324/eeny meeny miny mo 351/113
/Columbus Day 208/ducking for apples 340/Easter 347/Epiphany 370/Father s Day187
/Declaration of Independence 283/District of Columbia 318/drunken driving《?drunk-249
/dog 322/eeny meeny miny mo 351/farmer 403/fish 424/fortune-telling 447/Humpty259
/elementany school 356/entrance examination 369/examination 381/grammar school326
/English ivy 365/flower 434/language of flowers 643/leek 655/lily 669/oak 806/ono-328
/fast day 405/female language 411/floor 432/garage sale 467/hard-boiled 520/honor-343
coronation 244/curriculum vitae 268/date1 276/doggie bag 323/go Dutch《Dutch的片语》343
blue ribbon 117/bon voyage 121/calendar 151/chaperon 177/Cheers! 181/cockney 202/343
/Excuse me.383/good-bye 490/greeting 501/handshake 517/introduction 603/invita375
/flag day 427/Guy Fawkes Day 510/Halloween 514/Independence Day 584/Labor406
cross oneself《?cross v.》260/Eden 350/Eve 377/ghost 477/goat 487/god 487/godfather487
/Good Friday 491/Judas 620/lamb 640/Last Judgment 645/Last Supper 646/May-487
/high school 541/homestay 549/honor sysem 551/Ivy League 610/junior college 622/495
/June bride 621/marriage 713/May1 720/wedding ceremony 1328/wedding reception498
/Hyde Park 565/Indian summer 585/New-York City 787/Puerto Rico 932/rain 951/548
basemenl 83/bathroom 85/bed 91/birthday party 108/breakfast 131/brother 137/Christ-555
/house 557/lawn1 650/left-handed 656/living room 677/maid 698/mansion 708/555
ian name 187/cookout 240/dinner 306/entertainment 368/family 400/family doctor 400/555
father 406/first name 423/front door 458/garden 467/grandparent 496/high tea 542/host1555
frontier spirit 458/Gettysburg Address 477/G-man 484/gold rush 489/grass roots 497/585
en adj.》339/England 365/establishment 374/FBI 408/fourscore 449/Freemason 452/585
/Japanese-American 613/Jew 616/jury 622/Ku Klux Klan 636/law 649/Lord Mayor585
Greater London 499/gun 508/Gypsy 510/hippie 543/House of Representatives 558/Indian585
beard 116/Caesar1 150/Cinderella 189/Dayid 277/Don Juan 325/Don Ouixote 325/dra-618
gon 331/fairy 397/Faust 407/Flying Dutchman 436/God Save the Queen 488/griffin 502/618
Holy Grail 548/Icarus 567/Jekyll 614/Jesse James 615/Johnny Appleseed 617/Jonathan618
/lamia 640/mermaid 731/Mike Fink 736/moon 754/Paul Bunyan 858/Pecos Bill618
/Magna Charta 697/marijuana 711/Negro 781/Nisei 791/nobility 792/off-year elec-686
/motel 759/movie 763/mystery tour 771/passport 856/rock n roll 1003/sea bathing687
ter 336/folk song 438/Girl Guides 479/hike 542/horseracing 554/hot spring 556/lottery687
/newsstand 786/paper money 847/pawnshop 859/pub 930/restaurant 988/salary751
op 240/credit card 256/drugstore 338/hotel 556/I.D. card 568/launderette 648/money751
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kindergarten 629/liberal arts 663/middle school 734/mixer 747/monitor 752/night school790
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kitchen 631/language 642/look 683/man 704/mountain 761/number 802/paper money847
/Pullman car 933/railroad 951/request stop 984/road 1000/salt 1023/school bus851
corridor train 245/double-decker 327/driver s license 337/hitchhiking 544/parking meter851
/Peeping Tom 862/Puck 931/Robin Goodfellow 1002/roc 1003/romance 1005/round861
fishing 424/football 440/hide-and-seek 540/play house《house的片语》557/hunting 563/880
London Bridge 681/musical chairs 768/Olympic Games 817/orange 825/par 848/pinball880
/riddle 995/Simon says 1081/Soap Box Derby 1102/spin the bottle 1119/tag2 1185/880
tion 814/parliament 851/Peace Corps 860/policeman 895/president 912/primary election916
/Prince of Wales 917/queen 943/reign 974/rose1 1007/Scotland Yard 1037/segrega-916
flower 721/Noah 792/olive branch 816/parish 850/Pope1 898/prayer1 906/Protestant928
/salt 1023/Salvation Army 1024/Sermon on the Mount 1056/Society of Friends 1103/928
/rumor 1014/salaried 1022/sense of humor 1053/ship 1068/shoe 1069/sidewalk artist968
ate 893/pragmatism 906/pun 934/Punch-and-Judy show 934/reception 963/red-letter968
able 551/knight 632/laurel 649/name 792/notice 800/party 854/picture 877/poet laure-968
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za 884/potato 903/pretzel 915/pumpkin 934/rice 994/salad 1022/s?uce 1028/spinach1119
ter 678/meat 724/milk 736/oatmeal 806/orange 825/oyster 840/pickle 876/pie 877/piz1119
dessert 297/drink 235/eel 351/egg1 352/fast food 405/fisb 424/fish and chips 424/lobs-1119
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Holmes 1067/siren 1084/Star-Spangled Banner 1133/sun 1165/swan 1175/Tom Thumb1232
/Uncle Sam 1268/Wizard of Oz 13531232
table 1010/Santa Claus 1026/Seven Wonders of the World《?seven adj.》1059/Sherlock1232
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