声场声信息国家重点实验室年报 第2卷【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 中国科学院声学研究所编 著
- 出版社: 中国科学院声学研究所
- 出版时间:未知
- 标注页数:319页
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声场声信息国家重点实验室年报 第2卷PDF格式电子书版下载
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声场声信息国家重点实验室1992年年报目录Spatial Coherence in Multipath Underwater Acoustic Channels Wang Dezhao,Zhang Renhe and Wang Qin1
A Ray-Mode theory of Surface-Generated Ambient Noise in the Sea Zhu Baixian and Zhang Renhe5
The WKBZ Adiabatic Mode Approach to Sound Propagation in Gradually Range-Dependent Channels Zhang Renhe Liu Hong and He Yi9
The WKBZ Mode Approach to Sound Propagation in Horizontally Stratified Oceans He Yi,Zhang Renhe anf Liu Hong13
A Theory on Spatial Correlation and Vertical Directivity of Surface-Generatedambient Noise in the Sea Zhang Renhe and He Yi17
海面噪声的空间相关与垂直方向性理论 张仁和、朱柏贤、吴国清、侯温良27
海洋声场的广义相积分简正波方法 何怡、张仁和、刘红35
分层海底参数分布反演稳定性判据实验验证 林俊轩40
Time-Frequency Relations Between the Active Sonar Channel,Waveformand Receiver Zhu Ye46
海洋时变声信道的二维Wigner-Ville谱 朱埜52
论阵形畸变的拖曳式线列阵的工作方式的选取问题 李启虎62
Short Range Underwater Acoustic Communication Systems Zhu Weiqing,Zhu Ye,Mu Li and Li Ge68
莱斯和瑞利信道中FSK卷积码的统计特性 朱维庆72
多途信道中卷积码的统计特性 朱维庆78
Some Applications 0f Neural Network Classifier Thchniques to Sonar Beamforming Gong Xianyi,Yan Qi and Song Mingkai85
广义指向性信号模型的基阵处理 竺士蒙、宋明凯、宫先仪94
An Algorithm of Adaptive step Size Factor in Adaptive Filtering Chen Geng101
Using Multi-Node Method to deal with Discontinuous Points in Sound FieldCalculation Guo Peng,Wang Hongzhen and Zhu Wuhua110
二维Hartley变换快速算法及应用研究(Ⅰ) 杨文胜115
Hartley变换法各向异性介质弹性波场仿真 尧德中、阮颖铮121
Narrow-Band Signal Detection using neural network pre--processor Hou Ziqiang and Du Limin126
Neural Network Processing for Adaptive Line Enhancement Du Limin and Hou Ziqiang131
Optimum Block-Adaptive Learning Algorithm for Error Back PropagationNetworks Du liming,Hou Ziqiang and Li Qihu136
优化分层学习率分块处理BP算法 杜利民、侯自强143
快速误差反向传播学习算法——自适应学习率算法 杜利民、侯自强148
多层前馈神经网络快速学习算法的实现 杜利民、侯自强155
神经网络与DTW两种识别方法的比较 杨树林,柯有安163
提取血管特征参数的研究 王仁乾、陈亦娟、李迎春168
A Novel Beamforming Approach Based on DSP Chips Zhang Yanwu,Ma Yuanliang177
Research on Algorithms for Ultrasonic Reflection M ode Tomography Based on Fullor Partial Projections Chen Yanhua,Lan Congqing and Xu Keke182
Research on algorithms for ultrasonic reflection mode tomography Chen Yanhua,Lia Congqin and Xu Keke187
反射式超声计算机层析成像算法研究 陈彦华、兰从庆、许克克195
Zigzag emitting array synthesis aperture acoustical holography Xia Xianhua and Zhang Dejun202
曲折阵综合孔径声全息成像 夏献华、张德俊210
Elastic Wave Diffraction field Generated by a Source with Finite Aperture on Surfaceof Anisotropic Medium Wang Chenghao and Xu Lian218
压电晶体表面有限孔径源所产生声表面波的衍射场 汪承灏、范怀字、范思奇、刘援223
Numerical Study on the Acoustic field of a Fluid-Filled Borehole in an ElasticMedium Zhang Hailan and Li Mingxuan232
The Visualization of the Low Frequency Acoustical Radiation Field Zhang Dejun,Xia Xianhua,Yan Jin,Cheng Jianzhen,Zhu Nianqiu and Wang Qun240
矩阵奇异值分解的计算机实现 夏献华、张德俊247
Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Object Parameters in ultrasound ReffectiveComputerized tomography Wang Xiaolong and Lan Congqing251
A Comparative Study of F0 Patterns Between Chinese and Other Languages Zhang Jialu and Hu Xinghui260
Chiness Text-t0-Speech System Based on Parallel Formant Synthesizer Lu Shinan,Zhang Jialu and Qi Shiqian266
蒙古语察哈尔话元音松紧的声学分析 鲍怀翘、吕士楠271
混响声场的有源控制 马大猷279
声像法及矩形室内声能流涡旋 李沛滋288
机场周围飞机噪声评价方法的研究 郑大瑞、蔡秀兰299
次声噪声场的测量与分析 谢金来、杨训仁311
二胡的声学特性 陈通、蔡秀兰、郑敏华316
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