
ADVANCED SOIL MECHANICS【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

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  • 文件页数:520页
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7.3 Effect of Organic Content on Compaction of Soil 431

5.1 Atterberg Limits 331

5.2 Liquidity Index 341

5.3 Activity 341

6 Soil Classification 351

6.1 Unified Soil Classification System 351

7 Compaction of Soils 361

7.1 Theory of Compaction and Proctor Compaction Test 361

7.2 Harvard Miniature Compaction Device 431

5 Consistency of Cohesive Soils 331

7.4 Field Compaction 431

7.5 In-Place Densification of Granular Soils 471

8 Volume Change of Soils 491

8.1 Shrinkage and Swelling of Clay 491

8.2 Swclling Potential of Clay Soils 511

9 Effective Stress 541

9.1 Effective Stress Concept in Saturated Soils 541

9.2 Critical Hydraulic Gradient and Boiling 581

9.3 Effective Stress in Unsaturated Soils 591


3.1 Sieve Analysis and Hydrometer Analysis 111

Soil Aggregate1

1 Introduction 11

2 Weight-Volume Relationships 11

2.1 Basic Definitions 11

2.2 General Range of Void Ratio and Dry Unit Weight Encountered in Granular Soils 81

2.3 Relative Density and Relative Compaction 91

2.4 Specific Gravity of Soil Solids 101

3 Grain-Size Distribution of Soils 111

4.7 Flocculation and Dispersion of Clay Particles 301

3.2 Soil-Separate Size Limits 151

4 Clay Minerals 151

4.1 Composition and Structure of Clay Minerals 151

4.2 Specific Surface of Clay Minerals 191

4.3 Cation Exchange Capacity 191

4.4 Nature of Water in Clay 221

4.5 Repulsive Potential 241

4.6 Repulsive Pressure 271

2.2 Use of Continuity Equation for Solution of Simple Flow Problems 1052

2.3 Flow Nets 1072

2.4 Hydraulic Uplift Force under a Structure 1112

2.5 Flow Nets in Anisotropic Material 1132

2.6 Construction of Flow Nets for Hydraulic Structures on Nonhomogeneous Subsoils 1152

2.7 Directional Variation of Permeability in Anisotropic Medium 1192

2.8 Numerical Analysis of Seepage 1222

2.1 Equation of Continuity 1022

2.9 Seepage Force per Unit Volume of Soil Mass 1302

2.10 Safety of Hydraulic Structures against Piping 1312

2.11 Calculation of Seepage through an Earth Dam Resting on an Impervious Base 1382

2.12 Plotting of Phreatic Line for Seepage through Earth Dams 1472

2.13 Entrance,Discharge,and Transfer Conditions of Line of Seepage through Earth Dams 1522

2.14 Flow-net Construction for Earth Dams 1522

2.15 Filter Design 1572

1.5 Determination of Coefficient of Permeability in the Laboratory 732

1.3 Factors Affecting the Coefficient of Permeability 692

Problems 602

References 632

Permeability and Seepage 652

1 Permeability 652

1.1 Darcy's Law 652

1.2 Validity of Darcy's Law 682

2 Seepage 1022

1.4 Effective Coefficient of Permeability for Stratified Soils 702

1.6 Determination of Coefficient of Permeability in the Field 792

1.7 Theoretical Solution for Coefficient of Permeability 912

1.8 Variation of Permeability with Void Ratio in Sand 942

1.9 Variation of Permeability with Void Ratio in Clay 962

1.10 Electroosmosis 982

1.10 Vertical Stress in a Semi-infinite Mass Due to Embankment Loading 1863

2 Three-Dimensional Problems 1903

2.1 Stresses due to Vertical Point Load Acting on the Surface of a Semi-infinite Mass 1903

2.2 Stresses due to Horizontal Point Loading on the Surface 1923

2.3 Stresses below a Circularly Loaded(Vertical)Flexible Area 1933

1.9 Linearly Increasing Vertical Loading on an Infinite Strip on the Surface of a Semi-infinite Mass 1843

2.4 Vertical Stress below a Rectangular Loaded Area 1953

2.6 Stresses in Layered Medium 2113

2.7 Vertical Stress at the Interface of a Three-Layer Flexible System 2123

2.8 Distribution of Contact Stress over Footings 2313

2.9 Reliability of Stress Calculation by Using the Theory of Elasticity 2353

2.5 Stresses due to any Type of Loaded Area 2073

1.2 Stresses on an Inclined Plane and Principal Stresses for Plane Strain Problems Using Mohr's Circle 1683

Problems 1603

References 1653

Stresses in Soil Mass3

1 Two-Dimensional Problems 1673

1.1 Plane Strain State-of-Stress 1673

1.8 Uniform Horizontal Loading on an Infinite Strip on the Surface of a Semi-Infinite Mass 1793

1.3 Stresses due to a Vertical Line Load on the Surface of a Semi-infinite Mass 1713

1.4 Stresses due to a Horizontal Line Load on the Surface of a Semi-infinite Mass 1743

1.5 Stresses due to a Line Load Inside a Semi-Infinite Mass 1753

1.6 Stresses due to a Vertical Line Load on an Elastic Soil Layer Underlain by a Rigid Rough Base 1783

1.7 Uniform Vertical Loading on an Infinite Strip on the Surface of a Semi-infinite Mass 1783

Problems 2354

References 2404

Pore Water Pressure due to Undrained Loading4

1 Pore Water Pressure Developed due to Isotropic Stress Application 2424

2 Pore Water Pressure due to Uniaxial Loading 2444

3 Pore Water Pressure under Triaxial Test Conditions 2454

4 Henkel's Modification of Pore Water Pressure Equation 2464

2 Consolidation by Sand Drains 3195

1.12 One-Dimensional Consolidation with Viscoelastic Models 3125

2.1 Sand Drains 3195

1.11 Constant-Gradient Consolidation Test 3075

1.10 Constant Rate-of-Strain Consolidation Tests 3025

1.9 Effect of Secondary Consolidation on the Preconsolidation Pressure 3005

2.2 Free-Strain Consolidation with no Smear 3205

2.3 Equal-Strain Consolidation with no Smear 3225

2.4 Effect of Smear Zone on Radial Consolidation 3235

2.5 Calculation of the Degree of Consolidation with Vertical and Radial Drainage 3255

2.6 Numerical Solution for Radial Drainage 3275

1 Fundamentals of Consolidation 2535

1.8 Some Comments on Standard One-Dimensional Consolidation Test 2975

1.7 Secondary Consolidation 2955

1.6 Standard One-Dimensional Consolidation Test and Interpretation 2835

1.5 Degree of Consolidation under Time-Dependent Loading 2805

1.4 Numerical Solution for One-Dimensional Consolidation 2715

1.3 Relation of Uav and Tv for Other Forms of Initial Excess Pore Water Pressure Distribution 2655

1.2 Theory of One-Dimensional Consolidation 2555

1.1 General Concepts of One-Dimensional Consolidation 2535


References 2525

Problems 2495

3.3 Settlement of Overconsolidated Clay 3786

3.4 Precompression for Improving Foundation Soils 3786

4 Secondary Consolidation Settlement 3836

5 Stress-Path Method of Settlement Calculation 3846

3.2 Skempton-Bjerrum Modification for Calculation of Consolidation Settlement 3726

5.1 Definition of Stress Path 3846

5.2 Stress and Strain Path for Consolidated Undrained Triaxial Tests 3866

5.3 Stress Path and Sample Distortion for Similar Increase of Axial Stress 3886

5.4 Calculation of Settlement from Stress Paths 3886

5.5 Comparison of Primary Consolidation Settlement Calculation Procedures 3936

2.1 Immediate Settlement from Theory of Elasticity 3396

3 Primary Consolidation Settlement 3696

2.4 Calculation of Immediate Settlement in Granular Soil Using Simplified Strain Influence Factor 3656

2.3 Settlement Prediction in Sand by Empirical Correlation 3586

2.2 Determination of Young's Modulus 3556

2 Immediate Settlement 3396

1 Introduction 3396

Evaluation of Soil Settlement6

References 3376

Problems 3316

3.1 One-Dimensional Consolidation Settlement Calculation 3696

3.8 Relationship between Water Content and Strength 4567

3.10 Unique Relationship between Water Content and Effective Stress 4597

3.9 Unique Effective Stress Failure Envelope 4567

3.11 Vane Shear Test 4617

3.7 Representation of Stress Path on the Rendulic Plot 4527

3.6 Effect of Temperature on Shear Strength of Clay 4507

3.5 Effect of Rate of Strain on the Undrained Shear Strength 4487

3.4 Relation of Undrained Shear Strength and Effective Overburden Pressure 4447

3.12 Undrained Shear Strength of Anisotropic Clay 4667

3.13 Applicability of Drained(c,φ)and Undrained(Su)Shear Strength Parameters for Foundation Design 4707

3.14 Hvorslev's Parameters 4717

3.15 Sensitivity and Thixotropic Characteristics of Clay 4757

3.16 Creep in Soils 4807

4 Other Theoretical Considerations 4877

4.1 Yield Surfaces in Three Dimension 4877

4.2 Experimental Results to Compare the Yield Functions 4947

2.6 Shear Strength of Granular Soils under Plane Strain Condition 4177

3.3 Some Observations for the Values of φ and φult 4417

3.2 Unconfined Compression Test 4407

3.1 Triaxial Testing in Clays 4267

3 Shear Strength of Cohesive Soils 4257

2.7 Other Correlations for Determination of Friction Angle 4247

2.5 Some Comments on the Friction Angle of Granular Soils 4157

2.4 Curvature of the Failure Envelope 4137

2.3 Critical Void Ratio 4127

2.2 Triaxial Test 4087

2.1 Direct Shear Test 4047

2 Shearing Strength of Granular Soils 4037

1 Mohr-Coulomb Failure Criteria 4027

Shear Strength of Soils7

References 3997

Problems 3947
