
- 席裕庚等主编 著
- 出版社: 上海市:华东理工大学出版社
- ISBN:7562812640
- 出版时间:2002
- 标注页数:3369页
- 文件大小:345MB
- 文件页数:3416页
- 主题词:智能控制 自动化技术 智能控制 自动化技术
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Volume 11
Special Sessions1
Adaptive Output Feedback Control of Nonlinear Systems Using Dynamic Neural Networks Yugang Niu,Xingyu Wang,Chen Hu1
A New Fast Fuzzy Processing Method for B-Scan Image Zheng Chunhong,Jiao Licheng,Chen Xiping,Yuan Zhanting6
Analysis and Summarization of Load Distribution method for Hot Continuous Rolling Mill Zhang Jinzhi10
A Practical Rough Classifier for Chinese Handwriting Recognition Jian Zhang,Yannan Zhao,Zehong Yang,Jiaxin Wang16
Studies on RBF Neural-network Controller with Application to Ship Control Guang Ren,Yejin Lin,Jundong Zhang21
MTTP for Robot Manipulators Based on Intensified Evolutionary Programming and Its Application in PVR Environment Xiong Luo,Xiaoping Fan,Songqiao Chen,Sheng Yi26
A Representing Model of Rule Distribution in Temporal Sequence Xiaoming Jin,Yuchang Lu,Chunyi Shi32
A Novel Learning Method for Special Bayesian Networks Tian Fengzhan,Xu Ke,Zhang Hongwei,Lu Yuchang37
Research on A Kind of Hybrid Systems and its Application in Coke Oven Automatic Heating Control Junwei Gao,Yangdong Ye Tianyun Shi,Limin Jia43
Prediction of Respirable Suspended Particulate Level in Hong Kong Downtown Area Using Principal Component Analysis and Artificial Neural Networks Weizhen Lu,Huiyuan Fan,Wenjian Wang,Siu-Ming Lo,Andrew YT Leung49
Controller Optimisation of a Tube Heat Exchanger Drew Dugdale,Peng Wen54
An UDP-Based Transport Protocol for Internet Robots Peter Xiaoping Liu,Max Meng,Xiufen Ye,Jason Gu59
Ant Colony Optimization for Intelligent Scheduling Xiao-rong Wang,Tie-Jun Wu66
Complex Control of a Human Scale Tele-operating System for Cell Biology Shuxiang GUO,Haihong Zhang,Seiji HATA71
Robust Adaptive Neural Control for a Class of Perturbed Strict Feedback Nonlinear Systems Shuzhi S.Ge,Jing Wang77
System Modeling83
Modelling and Simulation of Frictions in Control of Mechanical Systems J D Wang,J Y Chen,Y R Zhao83
Optimal Experiment Design for Wavelet-Based System Identification Tujing Long,Zhengshun Sun,Chunwen Li89
Wavelet packet-based modulating identification and its application in TE process DU Hongbin,Teng Hu,Yang Guangjun,Yao Pingjing94
Relay-Based Friction Identification in Frequency Domain K.K.Tan,Y.Xie,X.Jiang98
A new algorithm of fuzzy on-line identification for nonlinear systems Fucai Liu,Run Pei,Xinping Guan103
Two-step Procedure for Subspace-based Process Modeling Maying Yang,Guoding Chen,Li Yu107
The Identification of Frequency Domain Model of Ultrasonic Vibration System Xiaoning Luo,Zhaoying Zhou,Qun Cao,Yuli Zhang,Shenshu Xiong111
H∞ Identification for Nonlinear System Based on Generalized Frequency Response Function Wen Ou,Chongzhao Han,Min Chen114
Extended Kalman Filter for Speed Sensor-less DTC Based on DSP Xianmin Ma,Youlin Gui119
The Modeling and Simulation of Ship Main Engine Based on Neural Network Jianmei Xiao,Xihuai Wang,Minzhong Bao123
The Ideas of Feature-Based Parametric Modeling Fu Qiang,Xiao YunShi126
A Class of Model Framework of Combat Simulation Guo Xiaojun,Wang Jingye129
The Research on the Displaying Methods of Vision Digital Terrain Based on DEM data Li Yao,Jie Chen134
A robot simulation,monitoring and control system based on network and Java3D Chen Yimin,Zhang Tao,Wang Di,He Yongyi139
Intelligent Split-run Method to Complex Drawing Jiang Dong,Chen Xudong,Li Lingling,Zhao Quanming144
The Implementation of Virtual Machining of the Prosthetic Socket Based on OpenGL Xin Guo,Peng Yang,Xi Chen,Zhiqiang Liu,Xueling Song151
A Performance Recovery to Robust H∞ Control for Generalized Systems Based on Minimal Function Observer Peigang Jiang,Chunwen Li,Tujing Long155
System Theory155
Design of Resilient Guaranteed Cost Controllers for A Class of Generalized Systems Xinping Guan,Qunliang Zhang160
Parametric Eigenstructure Assignment via State Feedback:A Simple Numerically Reliable Approach G.R.Duan165
Stability Analysis for a Kind of Multi-variable Linear Systems with Delayed State Yan Limei,Xu Jianjun,Ren Yingyu,Liu Xiaobin174
A Parameterization of All Observers for Linear Systems Z.W.Gao,D.W.C.Ho177
Matrix Bounds for the Coupled Algebraic Riccati Equation Lixin Gao,Anke Xue,Youxian Sun180
Eigenstructure Assignment for Stabilizable Linear Systems via State Feedback Biao Zhang,Guang-Ren Duan184
Criterion for Stable Limiting Zeros of Sampled System with Time Delay Li Huiguang,Wang Jinqing,Xu Yixiao189
Casual Control Problems for Linear Periodically Time-Varying Singular System Xiaoming Su,Qingling Zhang,Xiaohong Li194
Torsional Vibration Suppression of a 2-Mass Main Drive System of Rolling Mill with KF Enhanced Pole placement F.Qiao,Q.M.Zhu,S.Y.Li, A.Winfield206
Exact Linearization for A Class of Nonlinear Differential-Algerbraic Systems Zhu Jiandong,Cheng Zhaolin211
Nonlinear Systems211
Management of the Limited Dynamic Processes on the Basis of Variation on Auxiliary Integrated Surfaces Vladimir N.Pilishkin215
Stability Analysis for Nonlinear Feedback Control Systems with Linear Actuators Jian an Fang,Guoxiang Gu,Kang-Zhi Liu221
Design of Sampled-data Controller Based on Approximation of Nonlinear Systems:Asymptotical Stabilization Zhiming Wang,Yufan Zheng226
Nonlinear Filtering for State Delayed Systems with Markovian Switching Zidong Wang,James Lam,K.J.Burnham231
Nonlinear Separation Control with Neural Learning for Evaporator in Energy Conversion Plant Tao ZHANG,Masatoshi NAKAMURA236
Optimal Control and Optimum Methods242
Performance Analysis of Adaptive Modulation in Slow Fading Rayleigh Channel Tao Yang,Jianying Xie242
An Multi-objective Optimization Method Based on Grey Evaluation and Genetic Algorithms Bi Kang,Xingyu Wang246
A Sufficient Optimality Condition for Bang-Bang Controls on Local Time-Optimal Control Problems Jinghao Zhu,Jianping Cai250
Advanced Control and Optimization Techniques Applied to Industrial Processes Demin Sun,Gang Wu,Meisheng Xue,Yong Wang,Jun Li259
Mixed l2/H2 Control for MIMO Systems Shengping Li268
The Opitimal Control for the Output Feedback Stochastic System Under the Risk-sensitive Cost Liyan Dai,Zigang Pan,Songjiao Shi273
The Iterative Learning Control for the Course of Steady-State Hierarchical Optimization of Linear Larrg-scale Industrial Processes Xiao-E Ruan,Zhuo-Sheng Hou,Bai-Wu WAN278
Mixed H2/H∞ Control for Linear Singular Systems Shuping Ma,Zhaolin Cheng283
Predictive Control288
On Stability Analysis of the Multirate Multivariable Predictive Control Systems Lifang Zhou,Jixin Qian288
Disturbance Rejection Performance of Generalized Predictive Control Zheng Jiguang,Shi Ren,Mi Linan,Wang Mengxiao295
Model Predictive Control for a Class of Hybrid System Based On Linear Programming Xiugai Li,Dongjie Gao,Yuhong Wang,Wensheng Wang300
Non-linear Adaptive Predictive Control based on orthogonal Wavelet Networks Xiaohua Xia,Dexian Huang,Yihui Jin305
Study on Electrohydraulic Servo Loading System Using Fuzzy Model Based Predictive Control with Multi-step Linearization Shen Yili,Cao Yang,Li Tianshi312
Boosting Simple Decision Trees with Bayesian Learning for Text Categorization Lili Diao,Keyun Hu,Yuchang Lu,Chunyi Shi321
Time-series Analysis321
Research on and application of the level fuzzy reasoning model Ma Yuxiang,Liu Yanming,Zhang Jianli326
Classifier for Chinese Traditional Medicine with High-Dimensional and Small Sample-Size Data Zhang Lixin,Zhao Yannan,Yang Zehong,Wang Jiaxin,Cai Shaoqing,Liu Hongyu330
A Novel Approach Based on Support Vector Machine to Forecasting the Quality of Friction Welding Zhu Lingyun,Cao Changxiu,Wu Wei,Xu Xiaoling335
A New Algorithm of Uncorrelated Discriminant Vectors and It s Application WU Xiao-Jun,WANG Shi-Tong,LIU Tong-Ming,YANG Jing-Yu340
Research on Adaptive Heuristic Critic Algorithms and its Applications YuSun,Rubo Zhang,Yingfu Zhang345
Hybrid Systems and DES350
Stability Analyses of Hybrid Dynamical Systems for the Control System with a Pulse-Width-Modulated Sampler Gao Rui350
Chaotic Parameter Modulation and Secure Communication Fang Jianan,Miao Qingying,Guo Zhaoxia355
Stochastic Petri Nets Model of Hybrid Dynamical System Li Zhongwei,Zeng Jianchao359
Petri Net-Based Design Method of Digital Circuits Buhui Zhao,Yangguang Yan363
An Evolution Computation Approach to Hybrid Dynamic System Optimal Control Problems Yanjun Li,Tie-Jun WU367
A Branch and Bound Approach for Earliness and Tardiness Penalty Problem with Distinct Due Dates Yang Genke,Wu Zhiming,Ceyda Oguz371
Fuzzy Control376
Stability Analysis and Design of Fuzzy Control Systems Based on Interval Approach Y.Wang,Q.L.Zhang,X.D.Liu,S.C.Tong376
Learning Algorithm For Discourse of Universe Adaptive Fuzzy Controller Shuni Cui,Xiangdong Xu381
Analytical Structure of Fuzzy Controllers with Adjusting Membership Function or Control Rules Li Zheng,Wang wei-gong,Shao Shi-huang385
Reheated temperature adaptive fuzzy control system of unit Wending Liu,Keming Xie,Hongwei Ma391
Application of Fuzzy Control Theory to Direct-Heating Furnace Control System Xuezhong Guan,Tienan Liu,Hongquan Qu396
The Intelligence Integral Fuzzy Controller Zhengyu Xue,Jinping Liu,Bo Zhu,Hengxi Zhang,Min Zhang400
A Novel Robust Adaptive Fuzzy Controller Liu Xiaohua,Wang Xiuhong,Fen Enmin402
Rough Set406
Application of Kalman Filter to Chaotic Prediction of Sunspots Min Han,Jianhui Xi,Shiguo Xu406
The Research of Fault Diagnosis for Fuel Injection System of Diesel Engine with ANN Based on Rough Sets Theory Longhan Cao,Changxiu Cao,Zhen Guo,Jianyong Li410
Selecting secondary measurments for soft sensor modeling using rough sets theory Luo Jianxu,Shao Huihe415
Incremental Learning of Decision Rules Based on Rough Set Theory Tong Lingyun,An Liping420
Rough Set Based Decision Tree Jinmao Wei,Dao Huang,Shuqin Wang,Zhuyang Ma426
The Research of the Police GIS Spatial Data Classification Technology Based on Rough Set Zhiliang Wang,Wenbo Meng,Xuejing Gu,Jianping Ye,Masaeake Nagai,Guowei Cui432
Rough Set and Rough Classification Based on Imperfect Information Systems Jiang Wang,Jiye Liang437
Expert Systems441
Expert System For the Calculation to building s Design Cooling Load Based on Artificial Neural Networks Lixin Gao,Hua Bai,Yajun Lu441
Fuzzy Expert System for Fault Diagnosis of Robotic Assembly Bo Yan,Tie Zhang,Cunxi Xie445
The Application of Real-Time Expert Control System to Large Scale PTA Plant Wenli Du,Mandan Liu,Feng Qian450
Study on a Knowledge Based Expert System for Diagnosing Casting Defects Chuanwei Jin454
The design and implementation of an excellent text categorization system Mingyu Lu,LiLi Diao,Yuchang Lu,Lizhu Zhou459
An Algorithm of Characteristic Expansion for Fuzzy Reasoning Based on Triple I Method Shaowen Li,Fanlun Xiong464
Cooperation in RoboCup Tang Zhe,Sun Zengqi469
Autonomous Robot Soccer System Based on Hybrid Architecture Changhong Fan,Weidong Chen,Yugeng Xi474
Reduction of the Robocup state space Liu Lin,Zheng Zhiqiang479
Implement of a RoboCup Small-size Robot System Liu Lin,Xia Min,Zheng Zhiqiang483
Robot Planning Theory Based on Expert System and Its Application in RoboCup Xia Min,Liu Lin,Zheng Zhiqiang488
Path Planning of Robot Using Genetic Annealing Algorithm Songhao Piao, Bingrong Hong493
An application in RoboCup combining Q-learning with Adversarial Planning Jinyi Yao,Jiang Chen,Zengqi Sun496
Analysis of Kinematical Performance of Micro Soccer Robot Feng Ding,Chen Zhao,Zhi-Chao Zhang501
Development of the autonomic mobile platform for RoboCup robot Kui Yuan,Xianhua Liu,Bencheng Luo,Haibing Zhu506
A Multi-agent Cooperative System of Soccer Robot Qi Zhang,Yiming Yang,Ying Li510
Improve on Recognition Algorithms of RoboCup Peng Xiaoyan,Zhang Yong,Tan Heliang515
Study on Soccer Robot Locomotor Control Rule Biliang Zhong,Chenzhi Cheng,Ying Li,Yiming Yang519
Cart Subsystem to Robot Soccer Based on Phase-lock-loop Technique Huang Bufu,Xiong Rong,Hu Yibo,Zhou Ke,Wu Mingguang522
A New Design Based DSP for Soccer Robot Systems Weihua Cao,Min Wu,Xin Chen527
A FSA-Based Approach for Mining Sequential Patterns with User-Specified Skeletons Xiao Shu Hang,He Huang,Hongchu Yuan,Fanlun Xiong537
The Lining-Cutting Robot System s Control Technology Ding Guoqing,Wang Yu,Lin liangming542
Research of Workflow Management System Based On Enterprise Process Modeling Gang Lv,Jian Wang,Junwei Yan547
Texture Image Classification Based on Support Vector Machine and Distance Classification Yongjun Ma,Tingjian Fang,Kai Fang551
Sampled-data Iterative Learning Control for Singular Systems Sun Peng,Fang Zhong,Han Zhengzhi555
On the Choice of Overall Transfer Functions Weidong Zhang,Xiaoming Xu560
Research on Distributed Load Control for DIN Liu Yanming,Ma Yuxiang,Pa Kechu564
Analytical Formulas for The New Two Degree-of-Freedom Smith Predictor Weidong Zhang,Wei Wang,Xing He,Xiaoming Xu569
Controlling Bifurcation and Chaos in Internet Congestion Control System Xiao Fan Wang573
Application of Dynamic Programming Theory to the Alignment of SINS Yangyong,Miao Lingjuan,Hou Chaozhen577
The Application of Coloured Petri Nets in Systems Analysis SUN Xin,FEI Minri,SUM Youxian582
The Study of Simultaneously Stabilizable Problem of Plants Family Shiyue Liu,Qinghe Wu,Senjian An592
Transmitting Power Control based on Control System Framework in CDMA System Pingbao Lv,Jianying Xie597
Research for Application of Group Decision Method on Appraisement System of Science Research Schema Zhang Huiying,Dong Yi,Li Minqiang,Sun Ziling602
A Non-linear Prediction Speech Coding System Based on ANN Anhong Wang,Zhiyi Sun,Xueying Zhang607
An Exploration of Modeling in Central Air-conditioning Intelligent Control System for Saving Energy Xuejun Hao,Wen Zhang,Tongtong Liu,Yahui Wang,Shouqing Lu612
Poster Papers617
Designing Approach of Function Combination of Controller and Its Application in DCS of Oil Refinery Guoqiang Wang,Zhigang Hang617
Iterative Learning Control with an Optimality Criterion Shan Liu,Tiejun Wu621
An Approximation Approach to Decentralized H∞ Control Lijuan Li,Kemin Zhou626
A study on intelligent fault diagnosis in engine room Xianyao Meng,Guanglai Bai,Xiaolu Shu,Dandi Bao631
Intelligent Control Method and Application of Cation Reverse Flotation Process ZHANG Yong,HE Hui-Jun,CHEN Xue-bo,WANG Wei635
Evolutionary optimal control of free floating spacecraft Zhou Yucheng,Zhao Yannan,Yang ZeHong,Wang Jiaxin639
Nine-Point Controller Sun Xiaoming,Zhang Nanlun644
The Auto Guarding System Against Theft for Pipeline Transportation Zhen Zhu,Fei Lei649
Structure Optimization of Wavelet Neural Network Using Rough Set Theory Yiguo Li,Jiong Shen,Zhenzhong Lu652
A New Approach for the Sliding Mode Control Based on Fuzzy Reaching Law Kun Jiang,Jinggang Zhang,Zhimei Chen656
An ANN Model for SCR Voltage Regulator Driven Induction Motor with Dynamic Loads Jiang Jingyi,Chen Weiqi661
An improved decentralized robust adaptive control strategy of robot manipulators Wang Hongbin,Song Zuoshi664
The Research of Networking Enterprise Modeling System Guangqiang TANG,Juanwei YAN,Yiru DAI,Jian WANG668
Modeling Production Processing System with Arena4.0 Yanbing Ju,Yuncheng Feng,Chenyong Liu,Fengchun Zhu672
VaR and Its Application in Civil Aviation Transportation Yanbing Ju,Guofu Yang,Guozhuang Liang,Yuncheng Feng677
The adaptive control for a class of nonlinear systems based on dynamic approximate any higher-order nonlinearization Hu zhi qiang682
Jigging Process Human-like Intelligent Control Fangqing Ma,Xiaowen Liu,Dejian Tan687
A Logistic Cellular Automaton for Simulating Tumor Growth RiCha Hu,XiaoGang Ruan693
Identification of Optimization Injection Allocation Model in Polymer Flooding Bingkun Gao,Xiufang Wang,Qiong Wang,Xiaoguang Piao697
Realizing the Fault Diagnostic System in Maglev Suspension Train System(MSTS)Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method Zhiqiang Long,Zhiguo Lv,Huajie Hong700
Study and Development on Detecting Device of Wire Rope Localized Fault Chu Jianxin,Gu Wei704
Modeling of An Optical Fiber Sensor with Piezoelectric Zn0 Coating Li Zhou,Gu Ping708
Study on Kinematic Modeling of Shipborne Crane under Ship s Movement Zhang Jie,Zhang Rui,Zou Jigang,Li Wenxiu712
Study on Predictive Control Algorithm for Horizon Control Lifang Zhou,Jixin Qian717
Fuzzy Simulation Based on Genetic Algorithm and Application Yang Yanxi,Liu Ding722
An Approach to Obstacle Avoidance for Redundant Manipulator Based on Fuzzy Logics Yang Yanxi,Liu Ding,Liu Han725
Differential Games and Robust H∞ Control for Periodically Time-Varying Linear Systems With Uncertainty Yangzhou CHEN,Hongyun LIU730
Fuzzy Adaptation Two-Degrees-of-Freedom PID Control Weihong Wang,Jinggang Zhang,Xiaoxing Liu734
A Performance Recovery to Robust H∞ Control for Robot Based on High-gain Observer Peigang Jiang,Chunwean Li,Xu Wen,Tujing Long738
Scheduling with Random Processing Times to Minimize the Completion Time V ariance on a Single Machine Subject to Stochastic Breakdowns Chunfu Jia743
Self-tuning of controller using neural network and genetic algorithm Zongyi Xing,Limin Jia,Tianyun Shi748
An Improved Method for Detecting and Identifying Gross Errors Simultaneously Zhijun Dong,Shiguang Wang753
Identification-Compensation Approach for Unknown Disturbances Via the Estimate Model of Numerical Differentiation Yikang Yang,Yongxuan Huang,Zhuanmin Zhu,Jisheng Li758
Two-Degree-of-Freedom H∞ control of Ship Steering Wang XingCheng,Wang Ran763
Applying of Virtual Reality In MATLAB Zhang Jiaxiang,Luo Xueshan,Fang Lingjiang,Mao Quansheng768
Neural-net-based Modeling Used in the ASP Complicated Flooding Systems Guangyi Chen,Leiming Liu,Yiqiang Li,Fei Lei772
Application of Genetic Algorithm to Optimize Product Struct ure Wang Xuesong,Sun Wei,Cheng Yuhu775
An Application on a Parkinson s Disease Diagnosis Based on Inductive Reasoning Algebra Zheng Gu,Jianqin Gu,Zhanjun Chang,Jiarui Lin779
Intelligence Control of Nonlinear Systems Based on Matlab Simulation and the Real-time Control Platform Zhao Yingkai,Wang Yiling786
Study on Pattern Recognition of the Quality Control Chart Based on Neural Network Ping Chen,Junqin Liu,Jing Luo790
The Study of Detection Technology and Instrument of Buried Pipeline-Coating Defaults Jin Shijiu,Li Jian,Chen Shili,Xiao Kun,Song Shizhe794
On-Line Computational Scheme for Dynamic Walking of Anthropomorphic Biped Robots Guanzheng Tan,Feng Liang,Yuechao Wang799
Identification and Compensation of Strategic Missile Guidance System Error Model Based on the BP Neural Network Zhao Dawei,Chen Guangjun,Xu Hualong805
Research&Development on a New Type of Data Acquisition Board for Mechanical Vibration Generator Liu Xiaoyong,Shi Ren808
Studying of Nonlinear Genetic Algorithm Zhihua Cui,Jianchao Zeng812
Propulsion System Control and Simulation of Electric Vehicle in MATLAB Software Environment Ma Xianmin815
Indirect Adaptive Neural Networks Control for a Nonlinear Systems Yuequan Yang,Tianping Zhang,Xuelong Hu819
Study on the Fuzzy Control Technique for the Power Ultrasonic Instrument Qun Cao,Zhaoying Zhou,Xiaoning Luo,Yuli Zhang824
The insufficiency and improving methods of GA Han ShengLian,Yan WeiZhong,HuaKeQin828
Adaptive Control833
Adaptive Actuator Failure Compensation for Feedback Linearizable Systems Xidong Tang,Gang Tao833
Volume 2833
The Research of Adaptive Algorithm of Smart Antenna Arrays in the CDMA System Peng Jindong,Duan Zhenghua838
Adaptive Integration Control with Satisfactory Transients for Uncertain Lincear System Fan Qifu,Shi Songjiao842
Adaptive Iterative Feedback Control for Nonlinear System with Unknown High-Frequency Gain Chen Huadong,Jiang Ping847
Modeling and Control of Multi-model852
Multivariable Direct Adaptive Pole Placement Feedforward Decoupling Controller Using Multiple Models Xin Wang,Heng Yue,Tianyou Chai852
Expert-based Multi-mode Switching Control for the Temperature and Humidity Control System of Archive Establishment Liu Yajian,Peng Chuwu,Huang Luan858
Multiple Model Estimation represented by Bayesian Networks Liang Yar,Zhou Donghua,Pan Quan863
A Fixed-lag Smoothing Algor ithm for Markovian Switching Systems Yugang Jia,Quan Pan,Tao Yang,Hongcai Zhang867
Variable Structure Systems872
Finite Time Sliding Mode Control for Time-Delay Systems Yuqiang Wu,Jianzhong Gu,Xinghuo Yu872
Advance in Discrete-time Sliding mode Variable Structure Control Theory Jian Guo,Xinzheng Zhang878
A CARMA Model-Based Discrete-Time Variable Structure Controller Xu Fengyu,Shen Yi,Liu Zhiyan883
The Design of Discrete Fuzzy Slide-Mode Controller for AC Servo system Xie Chengxiang,Zeng Qingjun,Xu Shaofen888
Integral Variable Structure Control of Uncertain Discrete-time Systems Zhimei Chen,Zhicheng Zhao,Jinggang Zhang,Jianchao Zeng892
Development Of a Novel Parallel Manipulator Based Machine Tool CHEN Wen-jia,ZHAO Ming-yang,FANG Li-jin,XU Zhi-gang895
PID Control Systems900
Model Indentification and PID Control of Long Time-Delay Processes Tang wei,Shi Songjiao,Wang Mengxiao900
Designing and Tuning of PID Controllers for a Digital DC Position Servo System Qian Dong,Jianying Xie905
Simulation Study on Coordinated PID Neural Network Control for Boiler-Turbine Unit Jingfang Wan,Xuezhi Jiang,Wei Wang909
Evolutionary Design of PID Controller for Twin Rotor Multi-Input Multi-Output System Wei-Yen Wang,Tsu-Tian Lee,Hung-Chih Huang913
PID-parameter Auto-tuner Based on Embeded MCU Chen Jie,Sun Demin,Xue Meisheng918
The Application of Fuzzy PID Control in Aerosol Automatic Confecting System Peixin Dong,Qinruo Wang,Yu Tao923
Robust Decentralized Control for A Class of Large-scale Systems with Mismatched Uncertainties Hu Yun-an,Zhang You-an927
Large-scale Systems927
Robust stability analysis for descriptor systems Ding ZHAI,Qingling ZHANG,Guoshan Zhang,Xiaoming Su,Naiyi LIU931
Multiple-Objective Optimization Decision-Making Method for Large Scale Systems Qian Fucai,Li Qi,Liu Ding936
Multiple-Level Optimization Method On Inter-Connected Systems Qian Fucai,Li Qi,Liu Ding940
Learning Control944
Analysis and Design of A Learning Feedforward Controller Using Bartlet Window YangQuan Chen,Ping Jiang,Huadong Chen944
Learning Control of Failure Avoidance Problems with Knows Analytical form of Cost Function Derong Liu950
A Method of Optimal Shift Control Based on Pattern Recognition and Learning Algorithm Zhigang Yang,Changxiu Cao,Yugang Su955
Convergence Analysis of Iterative Learning Control with Uncertain Initial Conditions FANG Yong,Yeng Chai SOH,Gary G FENG960
Adaptive Robust Iterative Learning Control for Uncertain Robotic Systems Shengyue YANG,Xiaoping FAN,An LUO964
Time-Delay Systems969
Adaptive Friction Compensation with Time-Delay Friction Model K.K.Tan,S.N.Huang,T.H.Lee969
A Novel Controller Architecture for Long Time Delay Process Tang Wei,Shi Songjiao,Wang Mengxiao974
Observer-based Stability Controller for Linear Systems with Delay in State Feng Jun e,Cheng Zhaolin979
Robust H∞ Control for Uncertain Stochastic Time-Delayed Systems with Nonlinear Actuators XIE Li,LI Yongnan,HE Xing,ZHANG Weidong,XU Xiaoming984
Guaranteed Cost Robust Predictive Control for Discrete Uncertain Time-delay Systems Jun Zhang,Zhi-Yuan Liu,Run Pei,Jian-suo Zhou988
Stability Analysis993
Robust Stabilization for a Class of Discrete-time Systems with Nonlinear Perturbations Guoping Lu,D.W.C.Ho993
Grading Control of Dynamic Robust Stabilization for Uncertain Systems with A New Uncertain Parameter Model Jia Xinchun,Zheng Nanning,Quan Wei998
Unconditionl Stability Criteria for Linear Systems with Multidelays Xiao Shengzhong,Zhang Xinzheng1003
Stability Analysis for Interval Descriptor Systems:A Matrix Inequalities Approach Xiaoming Su,Qingling Zhang,Jiaqi Jin1007
Robust absolute stability for interval Lur s control systems with several independent stationary components Yinping Zhang,Jitao Sun1012
Intelligent Transportation Systems1017
Application of Fuzzy Control Theory in Multi-Phase Traffic Control of Single Intersection SHEN Guojiang,MA Tingfang,SUN Youxian1017
Train Control Information Simulation for ATP of Urban Railway Transit Qin Song,Shuni Cui,Renjie Teng,Xueshu Xie1023
Real-Time Recognition of Road Traffic Sign in Moving Scene Image Using Genetic Algorithm Liu Han,Liu Ding,Li Qi1027
The Real-time Detection Technology of City Traffic Condition Based-on GPS System Li Xiaojing,Meng Qingchun,Xiong Jianshe,Wei Tianbin,Wang Xuzhu,Ding Peng1031
The Navigation Principle and Algorithm of Vehicular Dead Reckoning System with Differential Compass Yikang Yang,Yong Lin,Yongxuan Huang1036
Fuzzy extension information and intelligent transportation management-control system Xiaobo Yuan,Zhongxiong He1041
Pervasive Computing Infrastructure for ITS Min Li,Hui Wang,Ping Li1046
Analysis Method of Improving the Precision of Vehicle Location and Navigation in ITS Teng Jitao,Fan Yuezu1051
Vehicle Shape recovery and Recognition Using Generic Models Xia Limin1055
Simulation of Car-following Decision Based on Wavelet Neural Network Sheng Li1060
Power Systems1065
Nonlinear Adaptive Decentralized Stabilizing Control for The Governors of Multimachine Systems Wei Hu,Shengwei Mei,Qiang Lu1065
The Transient Stability Analysis of Power Grid Suffered from Small-signal Generating Deviation Chen Yuchen,Hou Zhijian,Zhai Haiqing,Zhao Yan1069
A HCP-NET for the Unit Commitment Problem with Time-dependent Constraints Wang Bing1073
Key Technology on Off-turning Degree in Resonant Grounding Power Network Lingling Li,Quanming Zhao,Dong Jiang,Manling Ge1078
Study on the Excitation Strategy for Eliminating Negative-Dumping Zhi jun Li,Ling-ling Li,Yan-ping Liu,Quan-ming Zhao,Dong Jiang1082
Modeling and Stability Analysis of Multi-area Interconnected Power Systems Xiahua Li,Xuebo Chen,Yuanwei Jing1087
Research on Intelligent Architecture of Real-Time Dispatching Automation for Power Systems Yuehui Deng,Jian Cheng1092
Research on Short Term Load Forecasting in Steel Enterprise Xinqi Shi,Xiuhua Du1097
Large-scale Systems1101
Security Sheath and Intelligence Countermeasure in Emergency of Intricacy System Di Wang,Zhongxiong He1101
Environment and Biotechnology1111
The Control of Closed Soilless Growing System in Greenhouse Agriculture Zhang Li,Wang Yong,Sun DeMin,Duan ZengQiang1111
Implementing Gompertz model with A One-Dimensional Cellular Automaton Xiao-Gang RUAN,Ri-Cha Hu1116
Optimal Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection with a Piezo Micromanipulator KK Tan,SC Ng,Y.Xie1120
The Predictive Model of Bubble Point Based on Neural Network Qu Qiang,Yu Guang-suo,Liu Hai-feng1124
Biometrics Identification Techniques Zhang Mingui,Zhou Delong,Pan Quan,Zhang Hongcai,Zhang Shaowu1133
Robot Imformation Acquisition1138
Theoretical and Simulation Research on Real-Time Path Tracking Strategy for Industrial Robots Guanzheng Tan,Shengyuan Hu,Yuechao Wang1138
Concept of Equivalent Size for Tractor-Trailer Mobile Robots and Its Application to Path Planning Hongchao Li,Jialan Que,Yalou Huang1143
The Multiple Robots Path-Planning Based on Dynamic Programming Yan Guozheng,Wang Yu,Lin Liangming1148
Optimal Motion Planning for Mobile Robot Based on Potential Fields Lizhi Dong,Maoxiang Sun,Zaili Dong1153
A Hierarchical Global Path Planning Approach for AUV Qiaorong Zhang,Guochang Gu1157
A Case-Based Reinforcement Learning for Probe Robot Path Planning Yang Li,Chen Zonghai,Chen Feng1161
Robot Path Planning by Artificial Potential Field Optimization Based on Reinforcement Learning with Fuzzy State Xiaodong Zhuang,Qingchun Meng,Bo Yin,Hanping Wang1166
Three-dimensional Calibration of Micro-manipulator Huang dagang,Lu guizhang,Zhang jianxun,Zhao xin1171
Experimental Identification of the Dynamics Parameters of a Omnidirectional Wheeled Mobile Robot yixu Song,Dalong Tan,Yu Tian1175
Robot Motion Simulation with Eigen-space Method Qingjie Zhao,Zengqi Sun1179
A Conceptual Communication Model Based on HOONet in General Open Controllers Hua Xu,Zehong Yang,Peifa Jia,Yannan Zhao1184
A New Approach to Recover Depth Information by Microscopic Image Processing ZHAO Xin,LI Min,LU Guizhang,LIU Jingtai,HUANG Dagang,YU Bin1189
Sensor Fusion in Mobile Robot:Some Perspectives Jason Gu,Max Meng,Al Cook,Peter X.Liu1194
Genetic Algorithm Based Parameter Identification for Parallel Manipulators CHEN Wen-jia,WEI Ying-zi,QIN Yong-fa,ZHAO Ming-yang1200
Environment Modeling Based on AVBN Method for Mobile Robot Zou Xiaobing,Cai Zixing1205
An Algorithm of Subpixel Edge Detection Based on ZOM and Application in Calibration for Robot Vision Jinquan Li,Shanben Chen,Lin Wu1210
Robot Applications1215
Design of Intelligent Robot Controller for A Steel Plate by Line Heating and Cooling Jian Wang,Jiaxin Wang,Yannan Zhao,Zehong Yang,Hanyong Hao1215
An ultrasonic obstacle avoidance system for fire fighting robot Tong feng,Xu Lufeng,Tong Daoling1219
Design and Experiment of Micro Mobile Robot in Liquid Xiangqiang Tan,Yinchun Zhong,Yimin Yang1223
Rough Computational Methods on Reducing Cost of Computation in Markov Localization for Mobile Robots Qingxiang Wu,David A.Bell,Zhenrong Chen,Shan Yan,Xi Huang,Hongtu Wu1226
Simulated Robotic Hot-line Maintenance Based on Virtual Reality Ju Dai,Xuecheng Su1231
Research on Microrobot-based Microassembly System Tao Zhu,Dalong Tan1236
Robot Control1241
Observer Based Adaptive Controller Design of Flexible Manipulators Using Time-delay Neuro-fuzzy Networks Deng Hui,Sun Fuchun,Sun Zengqi,Yang Tangwen1241
Distributed Position Control Method for a Hyper-redundant Modular Manipulator Mingyao Liu,Dalong Tan,Wenshu Jiang1251
Adaptive And Robust Composite Control of Coordinated Motion of Space Robot System With Prismatic Joi Chen Li1255
Intelligent Robot1260
Two Strategies For Catching a Moving Object with the Coordination of Multiple Mobile Robots Fengchi Sun,Yalou Huang,Hongchao Li,Zhiyong Fan1260
Distributed Hierarchical Control System of Humanoid Robot THBIP-1 Shi Zongying,Xu Wenli,Wen Xu,Jiang Peigang1265
The Optimization Research of Formation Control for Multiple Mobile Robots Zhiqiang Cao,Min Tan,Shuo Wang,Yong Fan,Bing Zhing1270
Multi-Agent Collaboration System Based On Co-Evolution Method Hongtao Xue,Lincheng Shen,Huayong Zhu,Wensen Chang1275
From Modern Philosophy to Intelligent Robots Hao Li,Simon X.Yang1280
Network-based Robot1286
A QoS-aware Networked Telerobotic System Architecture:AeQTA Ning Chen,Dalong Tan1286
A study of robot remote monitoring system Di WANG,Yimin CHEN,Ming-lun FANG,Yongyi HE1291
Implementation of an event-based Internet robot teleoperation system Ping Li,Wenjuan Lu1296
Effects of Robot Assisted Activity for Elderly People at Day Service Center and Analysis of Its Factors Kazuyoshi Wada,Takanori Shibata,Tomoko Saito,Kazuo Tanie1301
Internet-Enhanced Automation in Micro Environment Wen J.Li,Ning Xi,Yuechao Wang,Shugen Ma1306
Real Time Characteristics of Ethernet and Its Improvement Zhi WANG,Ye-qiong SONG,Ji-ming CHEN,You-xian SUN1311
Improved Control Scheme with Online Delay Evaluation for Networked Control Systems Wei Zhen,Li Chang-hong,Xie Jian-ying1319
The Application of Floating Encode Genetic Algorithms in Finding Optiaml Multivariable Donghua Zhou,Henghua Wei1324
The Application of Two-Level Cache in RAID System Chen Yun,Yang Genke,Wu Zhiming1328
A Novel Algorithm for Scrambling the Details of Digital Image BAI Sen,CAO Chang-Xiu1333
A Remote Control System Using Java and CORBA Architecture Hao Li,Simon X.Yang,Fangju Wang1337
Design of a Flexible Robot Assembly Demo System Dun Xiangming,Sun Bin,Zhang Weijun,Yang Ruqing1343
Study on Dynamic Modeling of Compliant Manipulators Xilun Ding,J.M.Selig,Qiang Zhan1347
Object-Oriented Hybrid PN Model of Semiconductor Manufacturing Line Zhongjie Wang,Qidi Wu1354
A Research on Web Resources Automatic Classification Using SVMs Cai Wei,Wang Yongcheng,Yin Zhonghang,Zou Tao1359
Construction and Application of a Classifier System Based on Genetic Algorithms Li Jianwu,Li Minqiang,Kou Jisong1364
A Study of Air-Fuel Ratio and EGR Control System for LPG Engines Cui Hongwei,Liu Yifang,Zhai Yujian1376
Poster Papers1380
A simplified constrained multivariable controller with steady-state optimization Liankui Dai,Yang Wang1380
A Multi-objective Genetic Algorithms Method For Generating Pareto Solutions in Bilateral Negotiation Zichen Yang,Bo Meng1385
A Fast Initial Alignment Method of Inertial Navigation System on Stationary Base Wang Xinlong,Shen Gongxun,Tang Delin1390
An Optimal Attitude Control of Small Satellite with Momentum Wheel and Magnetic Torqrods Zhang Fan,Shang Hua,Mu Chundi,Lu Yuchang1395
Adaptive Reference Model Tracking Control of Electrode Systems of Arc Furnace Liu Xiaohe,Li Jie1399
Solving Orbit Maintenance Problems by the Synthesis of Evolution Algorithms and Traditional Optimization Metods Shi Wang,Shouyi Liao,Jinhai Dai1404
RBF Neural Network with Optimal Selection Cluster Algorithm and Its Application Tienan Liu,Xuezhong Guan,Zhiyong Liu,Aihua Xie,Hang Zhang1408
Adaptive Noise Canceler and Its Applications for Systems with Time-variant Correlative Noise Liu Tienan,Wang Liguo,Xu Baochang,Xie Aihua,Zhang Hang1412
Self-tuning Predictor and Its Application in Electric Power System Ren Weijian,Wang Liguo,Wang Chenfeng,Xie Aihua1416
Self-tuning Predictor with Variable Structure and Its Application Duan Yubo,Wang Qiong,Liu Zhide1419
Performance Analysis of Networks of Finite Terminals with General Distribution of Service Time Wu Yuqiang,Yang Hongyong1422
Construction and Implementation of SEBI MultiAgent System Model Xiang feng Luo,Zhenghu Luo,Shuli Zheng,Jingan Yang1427
Neural Networks Based Optimum Coagulation Dosing Rate Control Applied to Water Purification System Hua Bai,Lixin Gao,Guibai Li1432
A Adaptive Control Based Neural Network For Liquide Level of Molten Steel Smelting Noncrystalloid Flimsy Alloy Line Xiao Yanhong,Hu Hongjun,Jiang Huixia,Zhou Jinglin,Yang Qi1440
No-linear PID Controller Design Based on GA Xiuxia Sun,Jian Wu,Hongliang Wang1444
Development of Remote Learn System on Mobile Internet Li Zhang,ShiHuang Shao,Xianhui Zeng,Xiaohui Cai1448
Application of Universal Learning Network to the pH Neutralization Process Identification Min Han,Xiaomeng Jia1452
an Affine Nonlinear Control Approach to Mobile Robot with Non-holonomic Orthogonal-wheels Kaizhou Liu,Ping Zhao,Maoxiang Sun,Zaili Dong1457
Research on Supply Chain Management in Mass Customization Zhang Hao,Zhao Wei,Xia Hua1462
An Open Industrial Robot Based On SERCOS Xianliang Cao,Yannan Zhao,Zehong Yang,Jiaxin Wang,Peifa Jia1466
Controller Performance Assessment and Monitoring-Theory and Its Application Maying Yang,Xiaoming Jin1471
A Web-Based Remote Financial MIS Hua Xia,Qidi Wu,Hao Zhang,Wei Zhao,Dongshan Xing1476
The third-order induction motor parameter estimation using an adaptive genetic algorithm Xiaoyao Zhou,Haozhong Cheng,Ping Ju1480
A Flowshop Scheduling Algorithm to Minimize Total Weighted Completion Time Chuanli Zhao,Qingling Zhang,Hengyong Tang1485
Study on Model of Spatial Data Mining based on Double-Bases Cooperating Mechanism Hongchun Yuan,Fanlun Xiong1489
A Fuzzy Controller with Self-adjusting Parameters and Its Application Wang Ying-xu,Liu Guo-fan1494
Design of A 80C196KC-based DC Motor PWM Speed Controller Pingbao Lv,Jianying Xie1497
Intelligent Information Agent with Ontology on the Semantic Web Weihua Li1501
Control for Nonlinear Chaos Based on Radial Basis Function Neural Networks Tan Wen,Wang-Yao Nan,Zhou-Shao Wu,Wang-Jun Nian1505
Evolutionary Robot Behavior via Natural Selection Based On Neural Networks Wang Hongyan,Yang Jingan1509
Research of the Control Strategy of Burning System of Industrial Oil-poor Boiler Based on Self-learning Fuzzy Neural Network Fuzhong Wang,Fashan Yu,Hu Wei,Wang Li,Decan Zuo1515
The Design and Realization of the Intelligent Distant Copy Meter System Hongmin Gao,Bo Wang,Xiangzhi Yu1520
A Meter for On-line Measurement of Melting Point of Aluminum Electrolyte Zeng Shuiping,Zhang Qiuping1529
Distributed and Embedded Control System for Producing Soft Capsule Ping Tang,Yongquan Yu,Xiao Li,Ning Xu,Yimin Yang1534
Wavelet Transform Based Optimal Control of Parameter-Varying Distributed Parameter Systems Guige Gao,Xingsheng Gu,Xianwen Zeng1539
Reverse Triple I Method with Restriction Degree in Fuzzy Reasoning Song Shiji,Yang Jianjun,Zhang Lei,Peter B.Luh1544
A Feature Weighted FCM Clustering Algorithm Based on Evolutionary Strategy Jie Li,Xinbo Gao,Hongbing Ji1549
The Research in Influences of Bodywork Attitude s Measuring Error on the Fire Control System to Calculate the Shoot Factors Wang Lidong,Wu Hongjing1554
A Research and Application of Auto-optimize and Fuzzy Control for Black Liquor Combustion in Alkali Recovery Boiler LIU Zaiwen,Yang Huating,ZHANG Yuanfeng1557
A Novel Tracking Gate Algorithm Ming-Hui Wang,Zhi-Sheng You,Ying-Ning Peng1562
The Research of Characteristics and Foundation Technologies of Diagnosis System Based on DAI In the WEB Yang Guang,Yang Yongming,Wen Xisen1565
Research and Analysis of Multi-dimensional Association Rules Mining Feng Qin,Xuebing Yang1569
Heat integration of the azeotropic distillation system with ANN and GA Li Ying,Wang Yao,Wang Yan-min,Yao Ping-jing1573
The Research of Fault-detection Measure in the Redundant System with Inertial Measurement Unit on the Satellite Xiaowei Shao,Changsheng Shao1578
A Human Simulating Mechanism for Chinese Information Filtering Junhua Hu,Bo Yang1582
Modeling and Simulation Approach for Multi-disciplinary Virtrual Prototyping Zhang Wei,Lu Bao-chun,Wu Hui-Zhong1586
Simulation Study of Structure Optimization by Combining Fuzzy Neural Network(FNN)with Genetic Algorithm(GA) Yahui Wang,Xuejun Hao,Zhixin Chen,Wen Zhang,Tongtong Liu,Linlin Zhang1591
Design of Airport Workflow Control System Li Yu,Duan Zhenghua1596
Global Solution for μ Synthesis in State-Space Zhi Li,Chongzhao Han1600
The learning algorithm of Constructive NN Tao Pin,Zhang Bo,Ye Zhen1605
A Study on The Situation-Oriented Selection Methods of Uncertain Participation Decision-Making Haiyan He,Daoping Wang1609
Super Dynamic CCD Camera Based On Multi-sensor Image Fusion Feng Duan,Yaonan Wang,Wei Duan,Zhenghua Duan1618
A High-Performance Direct Torque Control Based on DSP in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive Lianbing Li,Hexu Sun,Xiaojun Wang,Yongqing Tian1622
Intelligence Vague Information Analysis And Decision Support System Anyang Su1626
Fuzzy normal Proposition Logic Systems Zou Kai Qi1630
Using Wavelet Network for Identifying the Model of Robot Manipulator Wei Sun,Yaonan Wang,Jianxu Mao1634
Confirming the Location and Moving Trend of Small Motion Robot by Color Picture Division Ge Bin,Gen ichi Yasuda1639
Design for Intelligent Motion Controller of Unmanned Vehicle Ruan Jiuhong,Song Rui,Li Yibin1643
Componentialization of Learning System and its Object-oriented Programming Implementation Miao-bo Dong,Tie-jun Wu1647
Research and Application on Intelligent Trouble Diagnosis Based on BP Neural Net Wei Chen,Tingjian Fang,Wei Qian,Yongjun Ma,Shilei Bai1652
Intelligence Aided Advanced Process Control of Industrial Distillation Column Xiaoming Jin,Shuqing Wang1657
The mathematic tools describing Large Scale Systems:Fuzzy Set,Extension Set,Vague Set,Set Pair Analysis and their relation Lin Hua,Liu Chuanyi,He Zhongxiong1662
Application of Non-model Controller in Outlet Temperature Controle of Furnace Luo Zhen1667
A Research and Application on Relevancy of Text Vector Modal Based on Specific Corpus Zhang Youhua,Xiong Fanlun,Hang Xiaoshu,Yuan Hongchun1672
Volume 31681
Robust Control1681
A Study on Singularity Avoidance and Robust Control of Redundant Robot Tae-Wook Park,Hyun-Seok Yang1687
Design of performance robust for linear time-delay systems with L2 bounded disturbance X.X He,L.Wu1692
Delay-dependent Conditions for Block Energy Decoupling of Linear Systems with Time-varying Delays Wei-Jie Mao,Jian Chu1695
A New Robust On-line Fault Diagnosis for Nonlinear Difference-Algebraic Systems Yudong Chen,Zhengxin Weng,Songjiao Shi1701
Robust Quadratic Stability and Stabilization with Integrity for Uncertain Discrete Descriptor System B.Yao,Q.L.Zhang,Y.P.Chen,V.Sreeram1706
Robust Stability Criterion of Uncertain System with Time-delay State HE Xing,SHEN Gang,XIE Li,SHAN Li1711
Robust Controller Design for the Uncertain System with Time-Delay Chen Dongyan,Sun Chao1714
H∞ Control Systems1718
Robust H∞ Control for Time-Delay Systems with Additive Controller Uncertainty Fei Liu,Peigang Jiang,Hongye Su,Jian Chu1718
H∞ Robust Contro of Electrohydraulic Shaking Table in the Centrifugal Force Field Dang Kaifang,Zhao Hong,Lin Tingqi1723
Robust H∞ Design for Uncertain Linear Systems with State Delay Yunze Cai,Xing He,Xiaoming Xu,Weidong Zhang1726
Robust H∞ Control of Interval Systems Using the Delta Operator Zhengrong Xiang,Qingwei Chen,Weili Hu1731
Robust Reliable H∞ Control for Time-varying Uncertain Systems with Time-delay Xiaoyu Zhang,Hongzhang Jin,Guobin Li,Ming Ji1734
Hybrid Algorithm for Job-shop Scheduling Problem Chen Xiong,Kong qingsheng,Wu qidi1739
Formulating the steel scheduling problem as a TSPTW Chen Xiong,Wu Qidi1744
An Improved Neural Networks with Transient Chaos Method for Job-Shop Scheduling Problems Xu Xin-li,Wang Wan-liang1749
A Kind of Flowshop Schedule Problem With Uncertain Processing Time Qi Liu,Xingsheng Gu1754
A Basic Study on Algorithm of Real-Time Schedule Table for Fieldbus Jiming Chen,Zhi Wang,Youxian Sun1760
Heterogeneous Multi-processors Scheduling by Coevolutionary Genetic Algorithm Qiuxi Zhong,Yue Qi1764
Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm1769
An Improved Evolutionary Programming for Optimization Ling Wang,Da-Zhong Zheng,Fang Tang1769
Augmented Lagrange Multiplier Based Fuzzy Evolutionary Algorithm and Application for Constrained Optimization Yan Guozheng,Wang Hongjie,Ding Guoqing,Lin Liangming1774
Weighted Gradient Direction Based Chaos Optimization Algorithm for Nonlinear Programming Problem Shengsong Liu,Zhijian Hou1779
Immune Algorithm Ge Hong,Mao Zong-Yuan1784
The Analysis of the Local Search Efficiency of Genetic Neural Networks and the Improvement of Algorithm Shaochun Wen,Fei Luo,Hongqiang Mo,Ting Lu1789
The Evaluating Scale of The Best-seeking Efficiency in an Intricate and Difficult Combining and Optimizing Problem Shenglian Han,Lin Yang,Hua He1794
An Implementation of Evolutionary Computation for Path Planning of Cooperative Mobile Robots ZHONG Yu,LIANG Jinhai,GU Guochang,ZHANG Rubo,YANG Haiyan1798
The Optimal Planning of an Active Power Line Conditioner in a Network Using Evolutionary Computation Tong Mei,Jiang Jingping1803
Searching for Symmetric Permutations of Binary Patterns Set with Genetic Algorithms DONG Ji-yang,BAO Zheng1808
A Novel Survival of the Fittest Genetic Algorithm Fengping Pan,Xiaoyan Sun,Shifan Xu,Xijin Guo,Dunwei Gong1813
Evolutionary Algorithm for Parameter Identification Inverse Problems in Parabolic Systems Shengwu Xiong,Yuanxiang Li1817
Convergence Properties of Non-Crossover Genetic Algorithm Dai Xiaoming,Zou Runmin,Sun Rong,Feng rui,Huihe Shao1822
A Distributed Genetic Algorithm to TSP Xiong Shengwu,Li Chengjun1827
Optimizing Virtual Environment for Micro Operation Using Genetic Algorithm LI Min,ZHAO Xin,YU Bin,LU Guizhang,LIU Jingtai1831
Compact Genetic Algorithm Mutated by Bit Chenguang Zhou,Kui Meng,Zulian Qiu1836
Radio Network Design Using Coarse-Grained Parallel Genetic Algorithms with Different Neighbor Topology Guo Tongcheng,Mu Chundi1840
A Fuzzy Matter-element Scheme Multi-Objective Optimization Method Based on Genetic Algorithm Zhao Yanwei,Zhang Guoxian1844
Blind Separation of Instantaneous Mixed Gaussian Sources via Genetic Algorithms Guo Tongcheng,Mu chundi1849
Fuzzy Systems1853
Fuzzy Normal Proposition Logic Systems Zou Kai Qi1853
Establishing Interpretable Fuzzy Models from Numeric Data Min-You Chen1857
Guaranteed-cost Design Based on T-S Fuzzy Model Yang Yujiu,Yue Dong,Guo Xijin1862
The Intelligent Compound Controller Used in Thermal Power Unit Coordinated Control System Gang Xie,Gaowei Yan,Hongwei Ma,Keming Xie1867
The Big Capacity Boiler Superheated Steam Temperature Fuzzy-Smith Control System Zhang Lixiang,Jiang Aiqin,Han Dongchen1872
A New Method to Tune Rules in Fuzzy Control System Using Fuzzy Arithmetic Operations Yu Yongquan,Zeng Bi,Zhong Guokun,Peng Haixia1877
Speed Control of Ultrasonic Motors by Auto-Tuning Fuzzy PI Control Yu Cheng,Fu-Rong Lei,Wen-Li Xu,Yi-Sheng Zhong1882
MEA-Based Fuzzy Self-Adaptive Control Yonggui Du,Gang Xie,Keming Xie1887
Stable Fuzzy adaptive Control for a Class of nonlinear System Yahui Li,Xianyi Zhuang,Sheng Qiang,Guozhong Liu,Xiaorong Mei1891
Nonlinear Hybrid Adaptive Inverse Control Using Neural Fuzzy System And Its Application To CSTR Systems Jia Li,Yu Jinshou1896
[%P]prediction and control Model for oxygen-converter process at the end point based on adaptive neutrol-fuzzy system YANG Lihong,LIU Liu,HE Ping1901
Robust Stability Analysis of Takagi-Sugeno Discrete-Times Fuzzy Control Systems Li Yong-ming1906
Fuzzy-prediction Control for Overflow Density in Milling-classifier Operation System Junqi Yu,Yikang Yang,Yongxuan Huang1911
Direct Adaptive Sliding Mode Control With Nonlinearly Parameterized Fuzzy Approximators Tianping Zhang,Yuequan Yang,Huiyan Zhang1915
Fuzzy controller and observer design for nonlinear system-LMI method Zhongqiang Wu,Shifan Xu,Dong Yue,Fucai Liu1920
On Fuzzy Inference and Control for Nonlinear System Da Wu,Berlin Wu1925
Output Feedback Fuzzy Adaptive Control for a Class of Large-Scale Nonlinear Systems Jiantao Tang,Shaocheng Tong1930
Fuzzy Reasoning Mathematics Model and Stability analysis of Nonlinear Control System Shenglian Han,Hua He1935
Neural Networks1939
Variable Structure Control for 6-6 Parallel Manipulators Based on Cascaded CMAC Shijing Li,Zuren Feng,Hao Fang1939
Parameters Soft-sensing Based On Neural Network In Crystallizing Process Of Cane Sugar Ting Lu,Fei Luo,Zongyuan Mao,Shaochun Wen1944
Informax Algorithm Based on Linear ICA Neural Network for BSS Problems Liu Ding,Liu Xiaoyan1949
On Exponential Stability of Delayed Neural Networks with Globally Lipschitz Continuous Activation Function Changyin Sun,Chun-Bo Feng1953
New Conditions for Global Exponential Stability of Neural Networks Changyin Sun,Kanjian Zhang,Shumin Fei,Chun-Bo Feng1958
Variable-Step BP Training Algorithm with an Adaptive Momentum Term Yang Huizhong,Li Danjing,Tao Zhenlin,Zhang Suzhen1961
Applications of Neural Network in the Oxygen Content Prediction of Boilers Smoke Bin Yang,Zhi Li,Zhongying Zhu1966
A New Type of Self-adaptive Blind Signal Separation Algorithm Based on Feed-forward and Feedback Neural Network LE Hui-feng,LIN Jia jun,YU Jin-shou1971
Small Smart Distributed Control System Yirong Yang,Shanan Zhu1976
Neural Network Output Feedback Control for Uncertain Robot Yugang Niu,Xingyu Wang,Chen Hu1980
A New Fuzzy Neural Network For Nonlinear Approaching Yongxiang Pan,Haiying Zhang,Xiaonian Wang1985
Further Discussion of Hopfield Neural Network based DC Drive System Identification and Control Wang Lei,Xiao Yunshi,Zhou Guoxing,Wu Qidi1990
A New method of Improving Wang and Smith s Chaotic Neural Network Liying Zheng,Kejun Wang,Kai Tian1994
A Novel Data-mining Method Based on the IMVFEWNN ZHENG Jian-guo,LI chun-qing1998
Identification and control of nonlinear systems using dynamic neural networks X M Ren,A B Rad,P T Chan2002
A Novel Fast Algorithm For Blind Signal Separation Weidong Zhou,Lei Jia2007
A New Regularization Learning Method for Improving Generalization Capability of Neural Network Yan Wu Liming Zhang2011
Applying RBF Algorithm in SSL Protocol Yang YuanJie,Huang Dao2021
Using A Neural Network Learning Algorithm Suitable for the Best Estimation of Nonlinear System Wang Xinlong,Jin Zhenshan,Shen Gongxun,Tang Delin2030
Study of Attraction Domain and Exponential Convergence Rate of Hopfield Continuous Dynamic Feedback Neural Nets Dongming Zhou,Liming Zhang,Dongfeng Zhao2035
Entire Region Filling in Indoor Environments using Neural Networks Chaomin Luo,Simon X.Yang,Max Meng2039
An Integrated Neural Network Method for Market Clearing Price Prediction and Confidence Interval Estimation Li Zhang,Peter B.Luh2045
Wavelet and its Applications2051
Optimal Point-wise Control of Distributed Parameter Systems Based on Wavelet Transform Guige Gao,Xingsheng Gu,Xianwen Zeng2051
Constant Quality Rate Control for Content-Based 3D Wavelet Video Communication Eric J.Balster,Yuan F.Zheng2056
Writer Identification Using Gabor Wavelet Cong Shen,Xiao-Gang Ruan,Tian-Lu Mao2061
A New Wavelet Watermarking Technique Rong Pan,Youxing Gao2065
ECG Partition Based on the Wavelet Pyramid Algorithm Lu Li,Z.D.Yuan2070
Wavelet Denoising in Non Gaussian Noise Using MDL Principle Jiecheng Xie,Dali Zhang,Wenli Xu2075
Parameter Identification Method for Stochastic Continuous System Via Wavelets Zhang chengke,Wang xingyu2080
Application On the Intelligent Analysis for ECG Signals by Adopting Wavelet Transform ZHANG Yong,WANG Jie-shen,CHEN Xue-bo2085
Face Contour Detection Using Geometric Active Contours Fuzhen Huang,Jianbo Su2090
Imformation Processing2090
A Target Recognition Method Based on Feature Level Data fusion Wenjie Chen,Lihua Dou,Jie Chen2094
Blind Separation of Sources based on Genetic Algorithm Yufang Yue,Jianqin Mao2099
The Research of Test and Evaluation for Multisensor Data Fusion Systems Jie Tian,Jie Chen,Lihua Dou,Yuhe Zhang2104
An Open Intelligent Network Based on Ethernet Framework and Its Application to Project Xianming Huang,Jikai Yi,Yanhong Zhang2109
The Research of an Intelligent Monitoring System Based on FCS for Marine Engine Room Dou Jinsheng,Tang Tianhao2113
Regional Human Resource Management Decision Support System Based On Data Warehouse Xiao Hairong,Zhang Huiying,Li Minqiang2118
A Study of Intelligent Video Indexing System Xinbo Gao,Hong Xin,Hongbing Ji2122
An Lie-resisting Evaluation and Decision Method in Virtual Enterprise Yajun Liu,Xingyu Wang2127
Adaptive Parameter Tuning for Relevance Feedback of Information Retrieval Jian Zhang,Yannan Zhao,Zehong Yang,Jiaxin Wang2132
Interpolation Based Kernel Function s Constructing Tao Wu,Hangen He2136
A Kind of Practical Fuzzy Clustering YAO Min,WANG Weihong2140
A Method of Searching Audio File Query by Example LI Ying,SONG Xinke,HOU Kbin2144
Sensor and Measurement2150
Micro-Scratch Inspection System for Semiconductor process by two-ways laser scattering method Ichirou Ishimaru,Minori Noguchi,Yukio Kenbo,Yoshikazu Tanabe2150
A Review of the Measurement Technique on the Wetness Fraction of Turbine Exhaust Steam Wang J.G,Yang S.R.,Xu Z.M.,Song B.F.2154
Remote Sensing Images Classification Using Fuzzy B-spline Function Neural Network Jianxu Mao,Yaonan Wang,Wei Sun2159
Terrain Aided Navigation based on Computer Vision ZHOU Hao,ZHANG Chang-yun2164
Fast Data Association Algorithm Ming-Hui Wang,Zhi-Sheng You,Ying-Ning Peng2167
Gravity based online calibration for monolithic triaxial accelerometers gain and offset drift Z.C.WU,Z.F.WANG,Y.GE2171
Improve the Resolution of Analog Digital Conversion By Software Processing Chao Hu,Max Meng2176
An Improved 3-Dimensilnal Mobile Location Method Using Volume Measurements of Tetrahedron Qun Wan,Ying-Ning Peng2181
A Novel Processing for Mutiple Gased Detection Feng Chen,Zonghai Chen,Zheng Jiao2186
An Improved Process Data Compression Algorithm Feng Xiaodong,Cheng Changling,Liu Changling,Shao Huihe2190
Design of Optical-electrical Encoder Pulse Counting Card Based on PC-bus Qian Dong,Jianying Xie2194
The Pattern Recognition Of Non-Destructive Testing Based On HMM Zhang Daofu,Zeng Yan,Zhou Xiaojun,Cheng Yaodong2198
Mining association rules based on cloud model and application in prediction Tian Yongqing,Weng Yingjun,Zhu Zhongying2203
Laser Target Tracking Based on Converted Measurement Klaman Filter Zhang Rui,Zhang Jie,Zou Jigang,Li Wenxiu2208
Stabilization of The First Order Generalized Distributed Parameter Systems Zhaoqiang Ge2212
Processing of Unperfected Experimental Data Zhang Shi,Cai Ning2217
A New Clustering Method Based on Ant Colony Algorithm Yang Xin-bin,Sun Jing-gao,Huang Dao2222
Real-Time Capacity Analysis of Ethernet in Industrial Application Jiming CHEN,Zhi WANG,Youxian SUN2227
Design of linear-phase digital filters on frequency unequal sample Zhang WeiXi,Zhang Li2231
The Existence of Equilibrium Solution of The Nonlinear Dynamic Input-output Stochastic Model Zhang Qimin,Li Xi Ning2236
The Energy Saving Control of Air Condition System in Intelligent Building Liu Zuojun,Xie Wenlong,Huang Yalou2240
DFBR Field Image Model Based Scene Navigability Zhang Guozhong,Shen Lincheng,Chang Wensen2244
Recognition and Classification of Metallography via Fractional Dimension F.Y.Wan,Z.D.Yuan2249
Smith Online Identification Prediction Control and Its Application in STM Huang Ziyuan,Fei Minrui,Hu Zhiqiang2254
Poster Papers2258
Research on An Adaptive Directional Mutation Genetic Algorithm Dunwei Gong,Fengping Pan,Shifan Xu2258
Fuzzy Modeling Based on Rough Sets and Fuzzy Sets Keming Xie,Zehua Chen2262
A Three-Dimensional Cellular Automaton Designed for Simulating Tumor Growth Xiao-Gang RUAN,Ri-Cha Hu2266
A Modified Continuous Genetic Algorithm and Its Application for Job-shop Scheduling Guo xijin,Gao Li2270
The Application of a distributed system-level diagnosis algorithm in dynamic positioning system Hongjian Wang,Xinqian Bian,Fuguang Ding,Guiping Han2274
Design and Implementation of An Adaptive PID Controller Using Single Neuron Learning Algorithm Qiang Sheng,Zhuang Xianyi,Wang Changhong,X.Z.Gao,Liu Zilong2279
Using Boosting Mechanism to Refine the Threshold of VSM-based Similarity in Text Classification Lili Diao,Keyun Hu,Yuchang Lu,Chunyi Shi2284
Network Charge System Research in Intelligent Community Yi Bin,Ye Zhen,Yang Bin2288
Learning and Approximate Inference of DBNs Tian Fengzhan,Zhang Hongwei,Tian Fengqi,Lu Yuchang2291
Comparison of Performance of Basic MEC and DC Niching GAs Junli Wang,Yang Sun,Chengyi Sun2297
A Method of Printing Tibetan Character Recognition Shaoping Ma,Yijiang Jin,Zhe Jiang,Yu Huang2304
The Design and Implementation of An Internet Information Extracting System for Enterprise TANG Chunsheng,JIN Ychui2308
Eigenstructure Assignment for Continuous Time-variant Uncertain System Based on LMI Hu Jinchun,Zhu Jihong,Sun Zengqi,Guo Zhi2313
The Design of Extended Product Tree for Quality Check Based on RDBMS Jie Liu,Dongpeng Wang2316
A New Method For Macroeconomic Prediction Ke Xu,Zhuoying Hu,Yuchang Lu,Jianhua Feng2321
New Boosting Algorithms for Text Categorization Lili Diao,Mingyu Lu,Keyun Hu,Yuchang Lu,Chunyi Shi2326
Soft-sensing Method for Wastewater Treatment Based on BP Neural Network Wang Wan-liang,Ren Min2330
The Research of Web Mining Lizhen Liu,Junjie Chen,Hantao Song2333
Solving Nonstandard Job-Shop Scheduling Problem by Loading Balance of Machines Scheduling Algorithm Wang Fengru,Wang Zhiqiang,Yang Shuwen,Chen Dongxue2338
A New Lagrangian Relaxation Based Method for Power System Scheduling with Identical Units Qiaozhu Zhai,Xiaohong Guan,Jian Cui2342
Research and Development of Integrated Intelligent Control System of Coking Stove Combustion Shi Tianyun,Jia Limin,Bai Chunming2347
Using Cellular Automata As Heuristic of Computer Go Dao-Xiong GONG,Xiao-Gang RUAN2353
Output feedback stabilization for a class of complex systems SHAO Ke-yong,GAO Li-qun,REN Wei-jian2358
A New Error-Correcting Decoder for Fast Correcting Codes with Multi-bit Errors Fanren Wang,Chengxian Duan,Jianyan Tian,Jinping Zheng2361
Convergence of Diagonal Recurrent Neural Networks Learning Pan Wang Youfeng Li,Shan Feng,Wei Wei2365
The Study of Swing UP and Blance Control for Rotary Parallel Inverted-pendulum Dongjun Zhang,Shuang Cong,Zexiang Li,Zhiqiang Qin2370
Optimization Method of Modification Coefficients of Cylindrical Gear Pair Having Hard Tooth Flanks in Closed Drive Based on Genetic Algorithm Zhang Xueliang,Wen Shuhua2375
A Designing Method of Hierarchical Fuzzy Systems Ping Li,Zhifeng Cai,Abu Zhang2379
An Improved Time Delay DMC and Its Application Hu Guolong,Sun Youxian2384
Research on Application of Field Bus-Based Data Acquisition and Intelligent Sensing Technology in Robot Teleoperation System Jianjun Zhang,Yunjian Ge,Xiaolong Wang,Guangming Song,Jianju Jiang2388
The Design on Credit Decision Mechanism (CDM)from Opportunity Benefit Sulin Pang,Yanming Wang,Shaobo Liu,Xinzheng Zhang2393
Credit-Risk Decision Mechanism (CRDM)with Incentive Effect under Asymmetry Information Rongzhou Li,Jianmin Xu,Weiqi Luo,Sulin Pang2398
Study On Manufacturing Resource Integrated System of the Distributed Manufacturing Dynamic Dispatching Wei Chen,Shixiong Zheng,Zeming Deng,Fang Li2403
Research on the Self-similar Information in CIMS Chen Fujun,Su Xiaolu,Meng Xianyao2407
Pervasive Computing and Spontaneous Networking Min Li,Hui Wang,Ping Li2411
A Fast Generalized Predictive Control Algorithm For the Typical Industrial Processes Min Xu,Shao-Yuan Li2416
Anaphora Resolution in Chinese Financial News for Information Extraction Ning Wang,Chunfa Yuan,K.F.Wong,Wenjie Li2422
Maximum Algebra of Random Variables with its Applications in Discrete Event Systems Yingwen ZHENG2427
Sensor-Based Autonomous Control for Telerobotic System Chou Wusheng,Wang Tianmiao,You Song2430
Estimation of Attraction Domain and Exponential Convergence Rate of Hopfield-type Associative Memory Neural Network Guanghui Cai,Jihong Shi2435
Study on Prediction Modeling of the Artificial Neural Network from the Combination of Multivariate Analysis and Mean Generation Function Jin Long,Luo Ying,Li Yonghua2440
A Improved Combination Method of Multiple Classifiers based on Fuzzy Integrals Yao Minghai,Pan Xiang,He Tongneng,Zhang Rui2445
Robust Fault-Tolerant Satisfied Control for Time-Delay Uncertain Systems Luo Xiaoyuan,Guan Xinping,Wu Tihua2448
A Framework for the Quantitative Research on Organizational Structure Tian Chunhua,Chai Yueting,Ren Changrui,Liu Yi2453
The Implementation of Active Vibration Control of Flexible Structure using DSP Dong Zhuomin,Wang Yong,Sun Demin2458
Stair-like Modular Multivariable DMC Controller and Its Application In Atmospheric Pyrochemical Furnace LIU YouFei,WU Gang,WANG Yong,Xue MeiSheng,SUN DeMin2461
The Operation Optimization of AN Reactor Based on Pattern Recognition Chen Biao,Xue Meisheng,Li Jun,Luo Peng,Sun Demin,Xu Haidong,Yu Fei,Cheng Lichun,Gao Qun2465
A New Method Measuring Electrical Conductivity of Nutrient Solutions On-line Sun DeMin,Zhang Li,Wang Yong,Lai Sheng2469
Inferential Control of Propylene Rectify Column in Ethylene Process Lixin Li,Feng Qian,Anran Yu,Yanqing He2473
Neurofuzzy GMDH Network and its Application to the Soft-Sensor for Ethene Distillation Process Yuzhong Li,Feng Qian2478
A Kind of Fractal Application for Control Message Jingbo Xu,Qizhong Liu2483
Qutput feedback adaptive robust control algorithm applied to ship steering autop
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