
- 丁静辉,杜国荣主编 著
- 出版社: 北京市:北京大学出版社
- ISBN:9787301127032
- 出版时间:2007
- 标注页数:254页
- 文件大小:81MB
- 文件页数:273页
- 主题词:国际贸易-贸易实务-高等学校-教材-英文
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Chapter 1 An Overview of the International Trade1
Section Ⅰ Reasons for the International Trade2
1.Resources Reasons2
2.Economic Reasons2
3.Other Reasons4
Section Ⅱ The International Trade Policy5
1.Gains from Free Trade5
2.Different Means of Protection6
Section Ⅲ The History and Role of the Chinese International Trade9
1.The Period between 1950—19769
2.The Period after 197610
Practical Drills12
Case Study—Favorable Balance of Trade vs.Unfavorable Balance of Trade12
Role Play—Establishing Business Relations13
Extended Activities14
Chapter 2 The International Trade Forms17
Section Ⅰ Selling Agent,Distribution,Consignment and International Subcontracting18
1.Selling Agent18
4.International Subcontracting19
Section Ⅱ Tender19
1.Invitation for Bids20
2.Submission of Bids21
Section Ⅲ International Counter-trade22
1.Barter Trade23
2.Compensation Agreement23
3.Buy Back24
Section Ⅳ International Technology Transfer and International Technology Licensing25
1.International Technology Transfer25
2.International Technology Licensing25
Practical Drills27
Case Study—Confirming Offer28
Role Play—Tender and Biding28
Extended Activities29
Chapter 3 General Introduction to International Trade Practices32
Section Ⅰ The Definition of Export Transaction33
1.Reasons for Exporting33
2.Definition of Exporting33
Section Ⅱ The Conduct of Export Transaction34
1.Preparation for Exporting34
2.Business Negotiation35
3.Implementation of Contract35
4.Settlement of Disputes36
Section Ⅲ The Parties and Means in the Export Transaction37
1.Basic Parties in the Export Transaction37
2.Other Major Parties and Means in the Export Transaction37
Practical Drills39
Case Study—Compensation Trade40
Role Play—Talking with a Potential Client40
Extended Activities41
Chapter 4 International Trade Terms45
Section Ⅰ Brief Explanations of Trade Terms46
1.International Trade Terms46
2.International Rules and Practices on Trade Terms47
Section Ⅱ Contents of Trade Terms48
1.An Overview of the Structure of Incoterms 200048
2.A Brief Explanation of Terms in Incoterms 200049
3.Comparison between FCA/CPT/CIP and the Traditional FOB/CFR/CIF53
Section Ⅲ Expression and Choice of Trade Terms53
1.Expression of Trade Terms54
2.Choice of Trade Terms54
Practical Drills56
Case Study 1—FOB(Incoterms 2000)56
Case Study 2—Why to Send Shipping Advice?56
Role Play—Price Negotiation57
Extended Activities57
Chapter 5 International Sales Contract61
Section Ⅰ Definition and Contents of International Sales Contracts62
1.Definition of International Sales Contracts62
2.Contents of a Sales Contract63
3.Major Terms of a Sales Contract64
Section Ⅱ Formation of International Sales Contract66
5.Signing of the Contract69
Section Ⅲ Implementation of the Contract70
1.Cargo Readiness71
2.Examination of L/C and Amendment to L/C71
Practical Drills74
Case Study 1—Offer74
Case Study 2—Acceptance75
Role Play—On Terms and Conditions of the Contract75
Extended Activities77
Chapter 6 Terms of Commodity81
Section Ⅰ Name of Commodity82
Section Ⅱ Quality of Commodity83
1.Sales by Seller's Sample and Sales by Buyer's Sample83
2.Sales by Description84
Section Ⅲ Quantities of Commodity85
1.Units of Measurement85
2.Calculation of Weight85
Section Ⅳ Packing of Commodity86
1.Outer Packing86
2.Inner Packing88
Section Ⅴ Marking of Commodity89
1.Shipping Marks89
2.Indicative and Warning Marks90
3.Additional Marks91
Practical Drills92
Case Study—Dealing with Cartons Damaged92
Role Play—Packing93
Extended Activities94
Chapter 7 Export and Import Documentations96
Section Ⅰ Role and Requirements of Documentation97
1.Role of Documentation97
2.Requirements for Documentation97
Section Ⅱ Official Documents98
1.Export License98
2.Import License and Foreign Authorization99
3.Certificate of Origin99
4.Certificate of Inspection99
5.Consular Invoice100
6.Customs Invoice100
Section Ⅲ Commercial Documents100
1.Pro Forma Invoice100
2.Commercial Invoice101
3.Quality Certificate101
4.Weight Certificate102
Section Ⅳ Financial Documents102
1.Application Form for International Money Transfer102
3.Application for Documentary Letter of Credit104
4.Letter of Credit104
Section Ⅴ Transportation Documents104
1.Bill of Lading105
2.Shipping Note105
3.Packing List105
4.Rail Consignment Note106
5.Road Consignment Note106
6.Air Waybill107
7.Combined Transport Document107
8.Arrival Notification107
Section Ⅵ Insurance Documents107
1.Insurance Policy108
2.Insurance Certificate108
3.Open Policy108
Section Ⅶ Specimens109
1.Import and Export Licenses109
2.Certificate of Origin110
3.Certificate of Inspection111
4.Pro Forma Invoice112
5.Commercial Invoice113
6.Draft(Bill of Exchange)114
7.Bill of Lading115
8.Packing List116
9.Insurance Policy/Certificate117
10.Customs Declaration Form118
Practical Drills121
Case Study—The Advising Bank's Refusal121
Role Play—Talking about Credit Card122
Extended Activities123
Chapter 8 International Cargo Transportation126
Section Ⅰ Ocean Freight127
1.Conference Shipping127
2.Non-conference Line Vessels128
3.Tramp Ships128
4.Chartered Ships129
Section Ⅱ Air Transport130
1.Scheduled Airlines130
2.Chartered Carriers130
3.Consolidated Consignments131
Section Ⅲ Other Means of International Cargo Transportation131
1.Road Transport131
2.Rail Transport131
3.Inland Waterway Transport132
7.International Multimodal Transport133
Practical Drills135
Case Study—What Would the Exporter Do?135
Role Play—Late Delivery135
Extended Activities136
Chapter 9 International Cargo Transportation Insurance138
Section Ⅰ Fundamental Concepts in the International Cargo Insurance139
1.Parties Involved139
2.Insured Amount140
4.Insurance Policy140
Section Ⅱ Marine Transportation Insurance141
1.Risks Covered by Marine Insurance141
2.Losses Covered by Marine Insurance141
3.Expenses Incurred for the Rescue of Insured Cargo142
4.Major Categories of General Insurance Coverage142
5.Procedures of Marine Insurance143
Section Ⅲ Insurance of Land,Air and Postal Transportation145
1.Insurance Coverage for Land Transportation145
2.Insurance Coverage for Air Transportation145
3.Parcel Post Insurance146
Practical Drills147
Case Study—Refusal of Compensation147
Role Play—An Exporter Discusses Insurance of an Order with a Buyer148
Extended Activities149
Chapter 10 International Trade Payment152
Section Ⅰ Payment Instruments of International Trade153
1.Bill of Exchange153
2.Promissory Notes154
Section Ⅱ Methods of Payment155
3.Letter of Credit159
4.Banker's Letter of Guarantee161
Section Ⅲ Terms of Payment in the Sales Contract161
1.Payment by Remittance161
2.Payment by Collection162
3.Payment by the Letter of Credit162
Practical Drills163
Case Study 1—A FOB Contract164
Case Study 2—Letter of Credit164
Role Play—Decision on Mode of Payment166
Extended Activities166
Chapter 11 Inspection,Force Majeure,Claim and Arbitration170
Section Ⅰ Commodity Inspection171
1.Necessity of Commodity Inspection171
2.Time and Place of Inspection171
3.Inspection Agency and Certificate173
Section Ⅱ Force Majeure173
1.Concept of Force Majeure173
2.Consequences of Force Majeure174
Section Ⅲ Claim174
1.The Definition of Claim174
2.Settlement of Claim175
Section Ⅳ Arbitration175
1.Procedures of Arbitration175
2.Cost of Arbitration176
Practical Drills178
Case Study—Arbitration of Dispute178
Role Play—Damage179
Extended Activities179
Chapter 12 Marketing Organizations Abroad182
Section Ⅰ Agency Arrangements183
1.Self-employed Agents Abroad183
2.The Nature of the Contract of Agency183
3.The Agent's Authority184
4.Rights and Obligations of the Agent and the Principal185
5.Special Types of the Agents186
Section Ⅱ Branch Offices and Subsidiaries Abroad188
1.General Understanding of Branch Offices and Subsidiaries Abroad188
2.Dealings between Branch Offices Abroad189
3.Subsidiary Companies Abroad189
Section Ⅲ Sole Distribution Agreements,Licensing Agreements and Franchising190
1.Sole Distribution Agreements191
2.Licensing Agreements193
Practical Drills195
Case Study—Sole Agency Agreement195
Role Play—Joint Venture197
Extended Activities197
Chapter 13 E-commerce200
Section Ⅰ E-commerce and Its Historical Development201
2.Historical Development of E-commerce201
Section Ⅱ Major Categories of E-commerce202
2.Business-to-consumer E-commerce202
3.Consumer-to-consumer E-commerce202
4.Consumer-to-business E-commerce203
5.Government-to-citizen E-commerce203
6.Government-to-business E-commerce203
Section Ⅲ Business Process and Models of E-commerce203
1.Business Process of E-commerce203
2.Business Models of E-commerce204
Section Ⅳ Advantages of E-commerce205
1.Low Operating Cost205
2.Large Purchase Per Transaction206
3.Integration of Business Procedures206
4.Flexibility and Availability of Information206
5.Improved Interactions206
Section Ⅴ Limitations of E-commerce207
1.Technical Limitations207
2.Non-technical Limitations207
Practical Drills210
Case Study—Dell Computer:E-commerce in Action210
Role Play—Talking about Order On-line211
Extended Activities211
Chapter 14 Fundamentals of GATT and WTO214
Section Ⅰ A Brief Introduction to GATT214
Section Ⅱ A Brief Introduction to WTO216
1.Objectives,Functions and Basic Principles of WTO216
2.WTO Structure218
3.An Outline of the WTO Agreements221
Practical Drills223
Case Study—China and WTO223
Role Play—At the Trade Show224
Extended Activities225
Appendix 1-1 Sales Contract244
Appendix 1-2 Purchase Contract245
Appendix 2-1 Shifeng Double-Star Tire CO.,LTD248
Appendix 2-2 Commercial Invoice249
Appendix 3 Proforma Invoice250
Appendix 4 Bill of Lading251
Appendix 5 Letter of Credit252
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