
- 张学忠等主编 著
- 出版社: 大连:大连理工大学出版社
- ISBN:7561115822
- 出版时间:2000
- 标注页数:239页
- 文件大小:5MB
- 文件页数:258页
- 主题词:英语-口语-词典
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第一部分 功能表达法1
Greetings 问候1
Formulas 套用语1
Ⅰ.Greeting someone 向某人问好1
A.Initial greetings 初次见面问候语1
B.Secondary greetings 再次见面问候语1
Ⅱ.Asking about someone’s health 询问某人的健康情况2
Ⅲ.Wanting to catch up with the other per-son’s news 了解某人的近况3
Possible Responses 可使用的回答3
Ⅰ.Greeting someone 向某人问好3
Ⅱ.Asking about someone’s health 询问某人的健康情况4
Ⅲ.Wanting to catch up with the other per-son’s news 了解某人的近况5
Samples 例句7
Departure 告别7
Formulas 套用语7
Ⅰ.Before saying goodbye 告别前7
Ⅱ.Saying goodbye 告别9
Possible Responses 可使用的回答11
Ⅰ.Before saying goodbye 告别前11
Ⅱ.Saying goodbye 告别12
Samples 例句13
Introductions 介绍14
Formulas 套用语14
Ⅰ.Introducing yourself 介绍自己14
Ⅱ.Introducing someone 介绍某人15
A.Pre-introduction 介绍前15
B.Introduction 介绍15
Possible Responses 可使用的回答16
Ⅰ.Introducting yourself 介绍自己16
Ⅱ.Introducting someone 介绍某人17
A.Pre-introduction 介绍前17
B.Introduction 介绍17
Samples 例句18
Ⅰ.Introducing yourself 介绍自己18
Ⅱ.Introducing someone 介绍某人19
Asking for Advice 征求建议20
Formulas 套用语20
Possible Responses 可使用的回答21
Samples 例句22
Paying a Compliment 称赞23
Formulas 套用语23
Possible Responses 可使用的回答24
Samples 例句24
Communication 交谈25
Formulas 套用语25
Ⅰ.Starting a conversation 开始交谈25
Ⅱ.Ending a conversation 结束谈话26
Samples 例句28
Ⅰ.Starting a conversation 开始谈论28
Ⅱ.Ending a conversation 结束谈话29
Reminding 提醒30
Formulas 套用语30
Samples 例句32
Expressing Wishes 表达祝愿33
Formulas 套用语33
Ⅰ.General goodwishes 一般祝愿33
Ⅱ.Good wishes to a third person 祝愿第三者33
Ⅲ.Wishing someone a good journey 祝旅途愉快34
Ⅳ.Wishes on special occasions 特定场合的祝愿34
Samples 例句35
Extending Congratulation 表达祝贺36
Formulas 套用语36
Possible Responses 可使用的回答37
Samples 例句37
Asking about Approval 询问某人是否赞成38
Formulas 套用语38
Possible Responses 可使用的回答39
Ⅰ.Saying you approve 表达赞成39
Ⅱ.Saying you do not approve 表达不赞成40
Samples 例句41
Ⅰ.Saying you approve41
Ⅱ.Saying you do not approve41
Asking about Likes 询问是否喜欢42
Formulas 套用语42
Possible Responses 可使用的回答43
Ⅰ.Expressing likes 表达喜好43
Ⅱ.Expressing dislikes 表达不喜欢44
Samples 例句45
Ⅰ.Expressing likes 表达喜好45
Ⅱ.Expressing dislikes 表达不喜欢46
Asking about Remembering 询问记忆47
Formulas 套用语47
Ⅰ.Asking positively 肯定的询问47
Ⅱ.Asking negatively 否定的询问48
Possible Responses 可使用的回答48
Ⅰ.Saying you remember 肯定的答复48
A.You are not sure your memory is accurate 不敢肯定自己是否清楚记得48
B.You are sure your memory is accu-rate肯定自己清楚记得49
C.Telling what you remember 表达自己记得某事49
Ⅱ.Saying you have forgotten 否定的答复50
Samples 例句51
Ⅰ.Saying you remember 肯定的答复51
Ⅱ.Saying you have forgotten 否定的答复51
Expressing Gratitude 表达感激52
Formulas 套用语52
Possible Responses 可使用的回答54
Samples 例句56
Making an Apology 道歉57
Formulas 套用语57
Ⅰ.Expressions for slight offences 略表歉意57
Ⅱ.Expressions for sincere apology 表达真诚的道歉57
Possible Responses 可使用的回答58
Samples 例句60
Asking about Correctness 询问某信息是否正确61
Formulas 套用语61
Possible Responses 可使用的回答62
Samples 例句63
Asking about Certainty 询问某人是否肯定63
Formulas 套用语63
Possible Responses 可使用的回答64
Ⅰ.Expressing certainty 肯定的表达64
Ⅱ.Expressing uncertainty 不肯定的表答65
Samples 例句66
Ⅰ.Expressing certainty 肯定的表达66
Ⅱ.Expressing uncertainty 不肯定的表达67
Expressing Curiosity 表达好奇67
Formulas 套用语67
Samples 例句69
Expressing Surprise 表达惊讶69
Formulas 套用语69
Samples 例句70
Expressing Optimistic Views 表达乐观的观点71
Formulas 套用语71
Samples 例句72
Expressing Pessimistic Views表达悲观的观点73
Formulas 套用语73
Samples 例句74
Offering Help 提供帮助75
Formulas 套用语75
Ⅰ.Offering in general to help someone 提供笼统的帮助75
Ⅱ.Offering to give immediate,practical help 提供即刻的实际帮助76
Possible Responses 可使用的回答77
Ⅰ.Accepting an offer of help 接受帮助77
Ⅱ.Refusing an offer of help 拒绝帮助78
Samples 例句79
Asking about Agreement 询问某人是否同意80
Formulas 套用语80
Possible Responses 可使用的回答81
Ⅰ.Expressing agreement 表示同意81
Ⅱ.Expressing disagreement 表示不同意82
A.Disagreeing indirectly 间接表示不同意82
B.Disagreeing directly 直接表示不同意83
Samples 例句84
Asking for Opinion 询问意见85
Formulas 套用语85
Possible Responses 可使用的回答86
Ⅰ.Stating your opinion 表达自己的意见86
Ⅱ.Giving no opinion or avoiding giving an opinion不表明观点或回避自己的意见87
Samples 例句89
Asking about Interest 询问兴趣90
Formulas 套用语90
Possible Responses 可使用的回答91
Ⅰ.Saying you are interested 表示感兴趣91
Ⅱ.Saying you are not interested 表示不感兴趣92
Samples 例句93
Asking about Ability 询问能力94
Formulas 套用语94
Possible Responses 可使用的回答95
Ⅰ.Saying you are able to do something 表示能做某事95
Ⅱ.Saying you are not able to do something 表示不能做某事95
Samples 例句96
Persuasion 说服97
Formulas 套用语97
Samples 例句99
Offering Encouragement 鼓励100
Formulas 套用语100
Samples 例句102
Making Suggestions 建议103
Formulas 套用语103
Samples 例句104
Asking about Intention 询问意图105
Formulas 套用语105
Possible Responses 可使用的回答106
Ⅰ.Saying you intend todo something 表示想干某事106
Ⅱ.Saying you do not intend to do someth-ing 表示不想干某事107
Samples 例句108
Expressing Disappointment 表示失望109
Formulas 套用语109
Samples 例句110
Expressing Boredom 表示烦闷111
Formulas 套用语111
Samples 例句111
Extending an Invitation 邀请112
Formulas 套用语112
Possible Responses 可使用的回答113
Ⅰ.Accepting an invitation 接受邀请113
Ⅱ.Declining an invitation 拒绝邀请114
Samples 例句115
Expressing Excitement 表示兴奋116
Formulas 套用语116
Samples 例句117
Asking for Permission 请求准许118
Formulas 套用语118
Possible Responses 可使用的回答119
Ⅰ.Giving somebody permission 表示准许119
Ⅱ.Refusing permission 表示不准许120
Samples 例句121
Making a Request 提出要求121
Formulas 套用语121
Samples 例句122
Asking for Information 询问信息123
Formulas 套用语123
Possible Responses 可使用的回答124
Ⅰ.Saying you know about something 表示知道某事124
Ⅱ.Saying you don’t know 表示不知道125
Samples 例句126
第二部分 情景对话128
Asking the Way 问路128
On a Bus 在公共汽车上133
Taking a Taxi 乘出租车138
Travelling by Air 乘飞机旅行142
Travelling by Train 乘火车旅行149
In a Bank 在银行155
Making a Telephone Call 打电话166
In the Barber’s&Hairdresser’s 在理发店174
Looking for a Job 求职181
At the Customs 在海关185
At a Gas Station 在加油站188
Seeing a Doctor 看医生191
In a Hotel 在旅馆198
In a Library 在图书馆205
At the Tailor’s 在裁缝店208
Talking about Time&Date 谈论时间和日期213
Talking about Weather 谈论天气216
Shopping 购物218
In a Restaurant 在饭店224
At the Post Office 在邮局232
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